Mission, KS Police Arrest & Cavity Search Mom After Toddlers Drop Pebbles in Mail Slot

Freedom Outpost -by Tim Brown

Catrina Engle is just a simple mother of four and wife to her husband. On the evening of March 3, 2013 she was leaving the Mission, Kansas Post Office and had just placed two of her children, ages 4 and 2, in her minivan when she was approached by Officer Michelle Pierce and ordered to render her identification without reason. From that point on the day turned into a tragedy for her as she was arrested and a body cavity search was conducted out in the middle of the public by Officer Pierce. What was her crime? Apparently her kids put a couple of pebbles in the mailbox and though the Post Officer was closed, she tried to get someone to help her and when they wouldn’t she was in a loud conversation on her cell phone in the lobby with her husband before leaving. Full dashcam footage follows.  

Mrs. Engle recounts what happened after she put the girls in the minivan. She says Officer Pierce approached her. “She stated, “I’m going to need your identification.” I asked her, “Why?” Again, she said, “Give me your ID.” I again asked her, “Why?” The third time she was more demanding & said, “Give me your identification.” I then agreed that I would give her my ID but I wanted to know why first. I said “Okay, but why?” She still would not tell me. At that point, you can see what happens in the video. Without warning, she started walking towards me, twists my arm, starts cuffing me, flings me around & slams me on the ground while finishing cuffing me. At that point, Officer Tim Gift arrived & assisted her. They hurt me when they dropped me on the ground & also got my thumb stuck in the cuffs. You can hear my toddler age girls crying & screaming in the car as they took me down & throughout the hour or so they had me there.”

The video backs up the ridiculous nature and force of her arrest.

A third officer who showed up later and who Mrs. Engle claims threatened to call Child Protective Services and have her children taken away from her, was not listed on the report. However, Engle found out who the officer was via a third party, a local senior citizen who said he had been abused by the same officer. His name is Tige Dean.

No attempt was made to look after Engle’s girls over the following hour that she remained on the scene. Her oldest girl thought the officers were going to shoot her mother, according to Engle and the girls cried the entire time.

Engle attempted to get the officers to call her husband to come and get the girls. They finally did it though it took a long while for them to do so. One of the officers even mocked her stating that she had not given him the number. She immediately rattled the number off and he simply threw up his hands, eventually making a call just before she was subjected to a body cavity search.

Engle also pointed out the nature of raising her voice in the lobby. “I later found out that the Postal Employee, Yvette Jenkins, called 911 after saying that I was yelling at her, kicking the door & throwing rocks at her through the mail slot! In reality, I was arguing with my husband on the cell phone in an empty Postal lobby while using the automated machine. My bored toddlers dropped pebbles in the mail slot. You can also hear Yvette Jenkins say on the video while the cops are talking to her that the Post Office has protocol & that they asked me to leave. Yet another lie. She was actually in the back warehouse area where I couldn’t even see her & she never came out to speak to me. I was leaving on my own accord.”

You will see in the video that they subject Mrs. Engle to a humiliating body cavity search right out in the open while cars are driving by, which is completely uncalled for.

Though dashcam video should be enough to bring charges against these tyrants, one would like to see them permanently removed from the force and punished for their behavior.

“I’m disgusted with The Mission Kansas PD,” said Engle. “From the illegal cavity search, to horrifying my children, to the lies in the police report, lies from the post office, trumping up charges on me to cover their asses & then lying again saying there was no videos of anything– out of three police dash cams & a federal building (Post Office).”

“We have also been threatened by the Prosecutor of Mission, Kansas himself–Mr. David Martin,” she concluded.

Obviously they were able to obtain at least one of the dashcam video feeds from one of the cars. I find it hard to believe there are not cameras inside federal post officer.

Here’s a video created by her husband and posted to YouTube to make the arrest public.

The Mission Police Department would not comment on the arrest. However, you can give support to Mrs. Engle and call for the firing and subsequent filing of charges against the arresting officers via the contact info below:

Mayor of Mission Kansas
Laura McConwell

Chief of Police
John Simmons
6090 Woodson Road
Mission, KS 66202


Officer Tim Gift (Badge # 861)


Police Dept Main Line:

Officer Michelle M. Pierce (Badge # 865)
Police Dept Main Line:

Officer Tige Dean
(The bald cop who was NOT EVEN mentioned in the Police Report!)
Police Dept Main Line:

Mission Kansas Post Office
6029 Broadmoor St
Mission, KS 66202
(913) 831-5325
Store Manager: Mitch Bilyeu
Post Employee who made FALSE REPORT to 911: Yvette Jenkins

Lead Prosecutor of Mission (Who threatened us)
David Martin
11000 King St.
Overland Park, KS 66210
Phone (913) 469-4100
Fax (913) 469-8182

Governor of Kansas
Sam Brownback
300 SW 10th Ave,Ste 241S
Topeka, KS 66612
(785) 296-3232

Catrina Engle
My personal site with FULL LENGTH video.

Read more: http://freedomoutpost.com/2013/07/mission-ks-police-arrest-cavity-search-mom-after-toddlers-drop-pebbles-in-mail-slot/#ixzz2ZjXQlWns

3 thoughts on “Mission, KS Police Arrest & Cavity Search Mom After Toddlers Drop Pebbles in Mail Slot

  1. Hello everyone…I’d read about this a couple of days ago and sent this off to the Mission, Kansas Mayor/PC/Admin office…as of yet…no word back…but if they send someone out to try to intimidate me in California…I’ll let you know..eh?

    Hi There….

    – I am constructing a book about police violence and abuse of official government / police authority. My Dad, Mom and Brother were all corrupt, abusive LEO’s… and I wanted to write about my observations regarding corrupt LEO’s…and the corupt judicial process, before I pass on to whatever is next….

    – I recently watched a video where three members of the Kansas Mission Police Department sexually assaulted a young lady…one team member is not named, but two are:

    – Officer Michelle Pierce
    – Officer Tim Gift
    – Officer Unknown..?

    – I also understand that the representative from the City of Mission, Kansas has openly lied to the defendents about the existence of a video-tape of the “traffic-stop”…and that a Lead Prosecutor in the case has called the defendents and instructed that the video be removed from u-tube, or the City will bring action to violate the first ammendment rights of the citizens and these indivividuals?

    – Why would a lead prosecutor want/need to have this video removed if it only shows the legitimate actions of the Mission, Kansas PD?

    – By what right does this person attempt to use their offical capacity and power to undermine another American’s right to free speech?

    – I’m working on a follow-up Chapter in my book, related to how the City of Mission is managing this situation?

    Can you tell me:

    – What is the legaal basis for cavity searches performed by male police-on-female suspects..or for that matter..female on female, etc??

    – What is the city policy, and how was the policy followed during this stop?

    – Why did the city of Mission, Kansas…claim to not have video of the “traffic-stop”…when you have known all along that you not only had the capability to video…but that you did have video of that specific situation in your possession?

    – Is lying to the public a criminal offense in Kansas…or is hiding evidence from the defendent official policy at the Mission, Kansas Police Department?

    – What was the purpose of lying to the public?

    – What was/is the Police Department trying to hide?

    – What is the performance history of these “officers” and have they ever had racial, sexual or abuse allegations made against them in the past?

    – Is your department purposefully trying to kick off race/domestic riots so that you can justify the imposition of martial law…due to the collapse of the dollar and the moral collapse of our country?

    – Is your Mayor, Police Chief and local political leadership worried about losing control of the situation and being dragged out into a field by the legitimate Grand Jury on charges of treason and violations of their Oath of Office?

    – Are the local leadership at all concerned about having a Grand Jury assembled in the field and they, themselves being found guilty of treason?

    – Is your local leadership…including your local Police Chief worried about being dragged into the streets by the mob and being strung up…before they could receive their day in court on charges of treason and violating their Oath of Office?

    – Is your local political leadership worried about being doused with oil-laced gasoline and being lit on fire as part of their execution…once they have been found guilty of treason by the Grand Jury of citizens?

    – If I could receive an official response to my inquiry I’d appreciate it…my book on corrupt law enforcement is due to go to press ASAP…

    -What, if anything is the City of Mission doing in order to reign in corrupt law enforcement and political leadeship…and the violations of the people’s rights?


    RJ O’Guillory
    Webster Groves-The Life of a Insane Family

  2. They are to tell you why before they do any thing. Why they stopped you are even wish to speak to you. Out of control cops here with no respect for the law or tax payer.

  3. Is it finally time for citizen militias to meet force with force?

    How refreshing it would have been to see a dozen random cars with responsible concerned people pull over and assess the situation…all open carry and deadly serious. And when these concerned people assessed the flagrant violations of this woman’s rights, they arrested these cops and took them to face charges.

    It sure would be a day in the sun if the general population grew a pair and demanded their rights never be infringed. This action can’t be done alone, only in numbers.

    Once the general population understands how cowardly these cops are, many things will change.


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