Mossad’s Bloody Trail of Assassinations of Leading Americans and Others Should Infuriate You – Another Ron Unz Bombshell Article

Russia Insider

Another extraordinary article from Ron Unz. It looks like the Soleimani murder is just part of a decades long pattern, as American statecraft blends indistinguishably with Israel’s penchant for the underhanded and bloody.

9/11, the Kennedys, senior American polticians and bureaucrats – they even seriously considered assassinating the elder George Bush in 1991, when he was president! Jaw dropping stuff.

“The sheer quantity of such foreign assassinations was really quite remarkable, with the knowledgeable reviewer in the New York Times suggesting that the Israeli total over the last half-century or so seemed far greater than that of any other nation.”

“I might even go farther: if we excluded domestic killings, I wouldn’t be surprised if the body-count exceeded the combined total for that of all other major countries in the world. I think all the lurid revelations of lethal CIA or KGB Cold War assassination plots that I have seen discussed in newspaper articles might fit comfortably into just a chapter or two of Bergman’s extremely long book.”

“The extent to which the agents of the Jewish state and its Zionist predecessor organizations have engaged in the most rampant international crime and violations of the accepted rules of warfare is really quite extraordinary, perhaps having few parallels in modern world history.”

“Their use of political assassination as a central tool of their statecraft even recalls the notorious activities of the Old Man of the Mountains of the 13th century Middle East, whose deadly techniques gave us the very word “assassin.””

Read the rest here:

2 thoughts on “Mossad’s Bloody Trail of Assassinations of Leading Americans and Others Should Infuriate You – Another Ron Unz Bombshell Article

  1. Read it on Russia-Insider yesterday, and yes it was a shock. I love it when good websites tell me something I don’t know! Source is Unz Review: American Pravda-Mossad Assassinations. And Unz Review has a similar post called “The Assassins Are Back!”

  2. This (Mossad) is the deep state.

    ‘Ostrovsky emphasized the remarkable nature of Mossad as an organization, especially when compared to its late Cold War peers that served the two superpowers. The KGB had 250,000 worldwide employees and the CIA tens of thousands, but Mossad’s entire staff barely numbered 1,200, including secretaries and cleaning personnel. While the KGB deployed an army of 15,000 case officers, Mossad operated with merely 30 to 35.

    This astonishing efficiency was made possible by Mossad’s heavy reliance on a huge network of loyal Jewish volunteer “helpers” or sayanim scattered all across the world, who could be called upon at a moment’s notice to assist in an espionage or assassination operation, immediately lend large sums of money, or provide safe houses, offices, or equipment’

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