Mother’s speech at Heather Heyer’s memorial

Paid Crisis Actor Susan Bro Four Days After Daughters Alleged Death

Published on Aug 16, 2017 by WTVR CBS 6

Heyer’s mother Susan Bro said her daughter’s favorite quote was “If you’re not outraged, you’re not paying attention.”

She told of dinners full of conversation and Facebook posts encouraging dialogue to hash out differences of opinion.

“Although Heather was a caring and compassionate person – so are a lot of you,” she said. “A lot of you go that extra mile.”

“I think what has happened to Heather has struck a chord is because we know that what she did was achievable – we don’t all have to die, we don’t all have to sacrifice our lives. They tried to kill my child to shut her up – well guess what, you just magnified her.”

She called on the audience, who gave her a standing ovation twice, to channel their differences, their anger, into righteous anger.

“I want this to spread, I don’t want this to die,” she said. “This is just the beginning to Heather’s legacy.”

“You need to find in your heart that small spark of accountability,” she urged. “Find a way to make a difference.”

“That’s how you’re going to make the death of my child count,” she said.

Read more about the memorial here:

11 thoughts on “Mother’s speech at Heather Heyer’s memorial

    1. NO FUNERAL, NO AITOPSY…FALSE FLAG EVENT—“They tried to kill my child to shut her up – well guess what, you just magnified her.” WAIT, I THOUGHT SHE WAS DEAD. …

    1. This floored me. These are scary times Mary. This is so f’n creepy.
      Some other crisis actor claims were hard to prove. This is right in our face. Or should I say right in her face.

        1. yw…..over the years I have learned that much of what we don’t ‘see’ is actually in plain sight.

  1. NO FUNERAL, NO AITOPSY…FALSE FLAG EVENT—“They tried to kill my child to shut her up – well guess what, you just magnified her.” WAIT, I THOUGHT SHE WAS DEAD. …

  2. What mother would be able to speak so coolly, calmly and collected at her daughter’s funeral? I couldn’t speak at my mother’s memorial service and I could barely speak at my brother’s, and he had been gone for two months when we had his service. I call BS on this.

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