My Letter to Senator Wyden

Say it, Mr Wyden! Say it if you have the balls to at least lend support to the front line people who have maintained for over 5 YEARS that global warming and the manufactured drought crisis here in southern Oregon are a direct product and indeed a GOAL of geo-engineering. Weather modification and control will ultimately lead to federal control of all US water supplies! We all know that Water is the new Petroleum. And what has the US government NOT done in the name of oil? Even a partial list of atrocities is long and horrifying.  

Canada is already selling water to China and we can only speculate on what kind of strong arm pressure is being put on you and your DC peerage to ultimately enable the federal government to control and potentially sell our water. Come on! Either you are more unaware than the average American (in which case you should not be serving the US Senate) or you have been warned to pussy foot around this issue until the mechanisms of water control are firmly in place. I would suggest, that since Oregon voters elected you, you might want to put the Oregon drought crisis and the immanent crash of Oregon agriculture and natural ecosystems due to the engineered drought ahead of whatever “waltzing with the stars” issue is occupying your time in the Senate.

Oh, and should you be inclined to throw money at the farmers and ranchers who have lost their water and livelihood due to manufactured Oregon drought; I would be very interested to know on how you propose to compensate the native plant communities, the migratory songbirds, insects, native fish and amphibians and the mammals who have lost their water and livelihood as well.

3 thoughts on “My Letter to Senator Wyden

  1. Sincerely, good luck with that Jaihan.
    You’re talking about a government that purposely had the buffalo killed to drive out the “Injuns”. (and that was like 150 years ago)

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