New Jersey Department Of Health: Passengers On Newark Flight Do Not Have Ebola


NEWARK (WABC) — Federal health officials say Ebola has been ruled out as the cause of illness for a man who had traveled in West Africa and became sick on a flight from Brussels to the U.S. After an examination by physicians at University Hospital, the symptoms of a 35-year-old man were found to be consistent with another, minor treatable condition unrelated to Ebola. His daughter, who was traveling with him, was asymptomatic.

United flight 998 from Brussels landed at Newark Airport and was met by Centers for Disease Control officials based in Newark after a both passengers who are both from Liberia exhibited possible signs of Ebola.  

An official who had been briefed on the situation said the man was “vomiting on the flight but did not display most of the other symptoms.”

The flight landed around noon with 253 passengers and 14 crew members aboard. Customs department then released the rest of the people on board the plane.

A doctor coming through the Customs area said an announcement was made to direct everyone aboard flight 998 to move to a separate area of Customs. There is a reported bottleneck inside the passport control area.

5 thoughts on “New Jersey Department Of Health: Passengers On Newark Flight Do Not Have Ebola

  1. “New Jersey Department Of Health: Passengers On Newark Flight Do Not Have Ebola”

    And I would be willing to bet that none of the suspected cases in other States are Ebola either. Furthermore, the quarantined people in Africa are probably dying more from thirst, hunger, and bullets, than they are this “alleged” Ebola disease.


      Oh… food poisoning.

      Like I said.

      1. It won’t be the first time someone got sick eating airline food. However, the timing of this incident fit right into the TPTB panic-fed agenda, didn’t it.

        1. Due to the overwhelming number of articles I’ve been seeing, I’m thinking this could very well be their false flag of choice.

          Another blood moon next Wed.

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