NEW: San Francisco Appoints First Noncitizen to Serve on Elections Commission.

By I Meme Therefore I Am

Kelly Wong who came to the U.S. in 2019 from China and isn’t legally allowed to vote will be overseeing and creating policy for the San Francisco Department of Elections.

Wong is immigrant rights advocate who wants to educate other immigrants who don’t speak English about voting process.

Imagine that people who don’t want to integrate by doing the least and learn the national language will be deciding on the future of an American city.



2 thoughts on “NEW: San Francisco Appoints First Noncitizen to Serve on Elections Commission.

  1. What do you expect? San Francisco has been owned and operated by the Chinese Triads for decades. It’s basically “Little China” and soon to be “Big Trouble in Little China”.

  2. So, she got here in 2019. I’m sure she’s fully rooted in all the values of united States culture and heritage, and, raised in China has a firm grip on the ideals of freedom along with a comprehensive understanding of our Bill of Rights.


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