New York National Guard conducts training at simulated detainee facility

detentionIntellihub – by Alex Thomas

After two months of seemingly nonstop reports about urban military training throughout the United States, many readers of alternative media are rightfully worried about portions of the military being used against the American people

In fact, officials WITHIN the Pentagon have publicly voiced their concerns that President Obama may, “use force within the United States against its citizens.”  

With that being said, each and every announcement by the military of their different training activities is being scrutinized like never before with the latest news raising eyebrows due to its connection to possible internment camps for American citizens.

At least sixty soldiers from the 102nd Military Police Battalion’s Headquarters Detachment recently conducted their annual training at Fort Drum in a simulated detention center.




A press release detailed what the soldiers spent their time doing during the training which included practicing pat downs, biometric checks, and running detainees through hygiene stations. The troops also practiced conducting psychological evaluations.

“What we are conducting here are full-scale operations in order to bring everyone into the fold for what is necessary to run a detention facility properly,” said Capt. Nicholas Monuteaux in the release.

“It is very necessary to ensure all our military policemen and small engineer contingent develop, build or refine their duties and responsibilities.”

While the training in New York may very well be for use overseas (members of the same battalion have served at Guantanamo Bay) the fact remains that any announcement about training in detention centers instantly sparks fears due to the documented fact that plans for internment camps in America exist and could become a reality after some sort of massive unrest within the country.

An extremely important and detailed essay written by Timothy Pope and published on Intellihub News includes a list that highlights official federal government and military documentation that confirms that an extensive framework and infrastructure for internment camps in the United States does indeed exist.

  • In 2009 the National Emergency Centers Act (H.R. 645), was introduced in Congress, mandating the establishment of “national emergency centers” to be located on military installations for the purpose of providing “temporary housing, medical, and humanitarian assistance to individuals and families dislocated due to an emergency or major disaster,” according to the bill. In addition to emergencies, this legislation is designed to “meet other appropriate needs, as determined by the Secretary of Homeland Security,” an open-ended mandate which could mean just about anything they want it to mean, including the forced detention of American citizens in the event of widespread rioting after a national emergency or total economic collapse.
  • In February of 2010 the Internment and Resettlement Operations (FM 3-39.40) was leaked, a U.S. Army manual outlining policies for processing detainees into internment camps both globally and inside the United States. That is against the Law of Nations.
  • In 2009 the National Guard posted a number of job opportunities looking for Internment and Resettlement Specialists (31-E) to work in “civilian internee camps” within the United States, with the job description: “Internment/resettlement specialists are primarily responsible for day-to-day operations in a military confinement/correctional facility or detention/internment facility.”
  • In December of 2011 Halliburton subsidiary, Kellogg Brown & Root (KBR), a government defense contractor, issued a Project Overview of anticipated requirementsin “establishing a National Quick Response Team for our current Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) work,” and was specifically seeking sub-contractors to staff and outfit “emergency environment” camps located in five regions of the continental United States.
  • In 2006, KBR was contracted by Homeland Security for $385 million to build detention centers designed to deal with “an emergency influx of immigrants into the U.S.,” or the rapid development of unspecified “new programs” that would require large numbers of people to be interned. Does that ring a bell? It should. It’s called “Immigration Reform,” and they have been planning this for a very long time.
  • Soon after KBR’s announcement, a little-known Army document surfaced, entitledCivilian Inmate Labor Program. The unclassified document describes in detail Army Regulation 210-35, first drafted in 1997, which underwent a “rapid act revision” in January of 2005 and now provides a policy for the creation of labor programs and prison camps aboard Army installations and other U.S. military bases.
  • Congressman W.G. “Bill” Hefner (D-NC) wrote a now infamous letter to Zell Setzer of Setzer Insurance and Associates, Salisbury, NC, on March 24, 1997, regarding information “pertaining to the Army’s policy and guidance for establishing civilian inmate labor program and civilian prison camps on Army installations.” Congressman Hefner confirmed to Mr. Setzer that “the program has been funded, staffed, and does not reflect current Army policy,” denoting a preconceived future agenda. That is the very definition of a secret agreement (a conspiracy between two or more people).
  • Under the indefinite detention provision of the National Defense Authorization Act For Fiscal Year 2011, which was signed by Barack Hussein Obama on New Year’s Eve of 2011—when most of the Congress was home on Christmas vacation—American citizens can be legally (not lawfully) kidnapped and detained indefinitely without charge or trial, and subjected to extreme rendition with no due process of law.
  • The U.S. Army Military Police training manual for Civil Disturbance Operations (FM 3-19.15), describes the “operational threats of the civil disturbance environment,” the “general causes for civil unrest,” weapons deployment, the legal considerations of “control force operations,” the legal considerations of “apprehension, search, and detention,” and recording the “number of cadre and inmates injured or killed.” This 115-page manual represented at the time of its publishing a shocking new insight into how the U.S. military plans to violently quell unrest in the aftermath of a total economic collapse or other national emergency, with rules of engagement regarding the use of “deadly force” in confronting “dissidents,” which were made disturbingly clear with the directive that a “warning shot will not be fired.”
  • Currently, the ongoing and expanding United States Army Special Operations Command (USASOC) Jade Helm 15 is underway, the Realistic Military Training (RMT) exercise conducted throughout the American Southwest and in 11 states to “Master the Human Domain” via “unconventional warfare.” This so-called exercise declares Texas, Utah and Southern California hostile territory, driving Texas Governor Greg Abbott to deploy the Texas State Guard to monitor the very questionable operation on non-federally owned land.


  • Also at present and more recently, the U.S. Army Special Operations Forces (ARSOF) Operating Concept 2022 is being deployed on U.S. soil to “operationlize the CONUS [Continental United States] base.”

The above documentation is what has been released to the public so far, one can only imagine how much time and energy has actually been used behind the scenes in preparation for eventual unrest.

Interestingly, recently released footage taken in Arizona shows Marines practicing working in a detention center, complete with role players shouting to be let free and attempting to escape.

Role players playing the part of citizens (American?!) angrily shouted for food and water throughout the video. Multiple role players also simulated an attempted escape from confinement only to be chased down and arrested by armed troops.

Photos taken during the urban training show soldiers arresting those who try to escape as role players shout, “Let me out!”





Overall the footage has a stark domestic feel and the official line that it is training for overseas doesn’t seem to add up.

Although no one knows definitively if or when American citizens will be forced into detention centers during a time of extreme crisis, the fact remains that the plans are in place.

Officials within the Pentagon itself are worried and individual soldiers throughout the country are sounding the alarm over what could be the end of America as we know it.

All photos credit U.S. Army National Guard and U.S. Marines

About the Author

Alex Thomas is a reporter who has worked in the alternative media for over three years. His work has been featured on numerous news outlets including Infowars and RT. Alex is an exclusive weapon of Intellihub.

One thought on “New York National Guard conducts training at simulated detainee facility

  1. “Officials within the Pentagon itself are worried and individual soldiers throughout the country are sounding the alarm over what could be the end of America as we know it.”

    NO….It won’t be the “end of America as we know it”. It will be the beginning of America as it’s supposed to be.

    C’mon, already. You stinking faggots have had enough training. Bring it on, already. Come and get us. We’re right here. Who’s willing to die to put me in an internment camp? I DARE YOU.

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