Nothing New…In the Summer of 1919, Long Before the Chemical Strike In Syria, Winston Churchill Executed A Sustained Chemical Attack On Northern Russia.

Before It’s News

Secrecy was paramount.

Britain’s imperial general staff knew there would be outrage if it became known that the government was intending to use its secret stockpile of chemical weapons.

But Winston Churchill, then secretary of state for war, brushed aside their concerns. As a long-term advocate of chemical warfare, he was determined to use them against the Russian Bolsheviks. In the summer of 1919, 94 years before the devastating strike in Syria, Churchill planned and executed a sustained chemical attack on northern Russia.  

The British were no strangers to the use of chemical weapons. During the third battle of Gaza in 1917, General Edmund Allenby had fired 10,000 cans of asphyxiating gas at enemy positions, to limited effect. But in the final months of the first world war, scientists at the governmental laboratories at Porton in Wiltshire developed a far more devastating weapon: the top secret “M Device”, an exploding shell containing a highly toxic gas called diphenylaminechloroarsine. The man in charge of developing it, Major General Charles Foulkes, called it “the most effective chemical weapon ever devised”.

Trials at Porton suggested that it was indeed a terrible new weapon. Uncontrollable vomiting, coughing up blood and instant, crippling fatigue were the most common reactions. The overall head of chemical warfare production, Sir Keith Price, was convinced its use would lead to the rapid collapse of the Bolshevik regime. “If you got home only once with the gas you would find no more Bolshies this side of Vologda.”The cabinet was hostile to the use of such weapons, much to Churchill’s irritation. He also wanted to use M Devices against the rebellious tribes of northern India. “I am strongly in favour of using poisoned gas against uncivilised tribes,” he declared in one secret memorandum. He criticised his colleagues for their “squeamishness”, declaring that “the objections of the India Office to the use of gas against natives are unreasonable. Gas is a more merciful weapon than [the] high explosive shell, and compels an enemy to accept a decision with less loss of life than any other agency of war.”

One thought on “Nothing New…In the Summer of 1919, Long Before the Chemical Strike In Syria, Winston Churchill Executed A Sustained Chemical Attack On Northern Russia.

  1. The problem is that the Bolsheviks were not in northern Russia at that time. In 1919, the free “Whites” were in northern Russia (the good guys) which would explain the real reason for the secrecy.

    Remember that it was Churchill who coined the phrase “Iron curtain” at a time when no one else was even aware of its existence. At the same time, his collaborator, Woodrow Wilson began telling Americans that Russia was not, and could never be our friends.

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