NWO Seeking Control of Earth’s Water

American Free Press – by Olga Belinskaya

An October 29 article in the journal Nature Climate Change unintentionally revealed the New World Order’s (NWO) new target in its quest for world rule: Control the water in underground aquifers that support billions of people and half of the world’s agriculture.

At the moment, the “unfortunate modern reality [for the NWO] is that the global civil and policy infrastructure required to peaceably share groundwater across political boundaries is not yet in place,” wrote J.S. Famiglietti, the leading hydrologist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory and author of the revealing article “The Global Groundwater Crisis.”  

The crisis to justify UN control of state and private property is that “groundwater is being pumped at far greater rates than it can be naturally replenished, so that many of the largest aquifers on most continents are being mined, their precious contents never to be returned,” stated Famiglietti.

Most of the globe’s largest aquifers irrigate the world’s great agricultural regions: the Central Valley in California and Midwest breadbaskets, the North China Plain and others.

To save humanity from civil war and violent international conflict that would result as groundwater dries up and food production plummets, Famiglietti recommends a United Nations-required “open dialogue on joint use and management of shared groundwater resources.” He implies that it is pointless for nations to resist because satellites can obtain the denied information.

“[The natural water cycle] is no longer enough to supply the multiple demands for society’s needs. . . . The myth of limitless water and free-for-all mentality that pervaded groundwater use must now come to an end.”

Among the warnings of certain doom and calls for more world government, Famiglietti admitted that “the absolute volume of groundwater beneath the land surface remains unknown. Most published estimates are based on very coarse assumptions . . . not on actual exploration.”

Not only does NASA’s leading hydrologist cite unproven claims to call for more UN control, but he cites overpopulation and irreversible climate change as the root causes.

“Climate change” is another example of unproven science that has been used to justify taxation and international control of hydrocarbon energy. Almost 32,000 Americans with science degrees, including over 9,000 with Ph.D.s, signed a petition that there is no convincing evidence that greenhouse gasses cause catastrophic climate change.

On its website, “PetitionProject.org,” the project behind the petition explains: “The campaign to severely ration hydrocarbon energy technology has now been markedly expanded. In the course of this campaign, many scientifically invalid claims about impending climate emergencies are being made. Simultaneously, proposed political actions to severely reduce hydrocarbon use now threaten the prosperity of Americans and the very existence of hundreds of millions of people in poorer countries.”

Stanford University researchers cite climate change as the “Ridiculously Resilient Ridge” that hovers over the Pacific Ocean and diverts moisture-carrying winds north “like a large boulder that has tumbled into a narrow stream.”

However, Elana Freeland, author of Chemtrails, HAARP and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth has uncovered evidence that may explain the extreme weather, such as the drought in California that is forcing people to pump more than usual from the aquifer.

Freeland writes: “While mainstream newscasters wring their hands over ‘global warming’ and ‘climate change,’ ionospheric heaters torque the chemtrails and unnaturally heat the planet in endless military experiments. Many technical secrets of this conspiracy are in public sources but we do not know how to interpret them, given that our authority figures and ‘experts,’ in one way or another, have been bought off or silenced. We find ourselves in an upside-down world in which government and industry profit from creating disastersand running biological ‘trial experiments’ on the people whose tax dollars feed their children.”

The groundwater crisis may be real, but what happens if the world’s most precious and abundant resource—water—becomes artificially scarce through international conspiracy?

Olga Belinskaya is a native of Ukraine and is AFP’s former bookstore manager. She is currently a peace and monetary reform activist now based in Virginia.

– See more at: http://americanfreepress.net/?p=20653#sthash.xXWMhcCt.Jui1ARQu.dpuf

2 thoughts on “NWO Seeking Control of Earth’s Water

  1. “[The natural water cycle] is no longer enough to supply the multiple demands for society’s needs. . . . The myth of limitless water and free-for-all mentality that pervaded groundwater use must now come to an end.”



    This is it, people. Air, water, and food (in that order) are the 3 things that are NOT optional for survival.

  2. “The crisis to justify UN control of state and private property is that ‘groundwater is being pumped at far greater rates than it can be naturally replenished, so that many of the largest aquifers on most continents are being mined, their precious contents never to be returned,’ stated Famiglietti.”

    You’d think that Famiglietti would at least mention how gas fracking is diminishing potable ground water at a FAR greater rate than consumption through pumping ground water. I know that he would never mention geo-engineered droughts and floods, which is even worse than fracking.

    With the >$2-trillion spent on the War on Terror, we could have built Interstate water pipelines and reservoirs, which would have alleviated flooded States and, supplied water to drought stricken States (not to mention how many jobs this Project would have created).

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