Obama arrives in Asia wearing WHAT?

Tea Party at Perrysburg

What the heck is Obama wearing when he arrived in China? Fox & Friends called it “Star Trek” fashion but it looks more like Kenya fashion to me, only not as cool.

Apparently our still self-assured though beaten POTUS hasn’t learned his lesson about chewing gum either because he’s chomping his cud again in the video FNC just showed which hasn’t hit the internet yet.  

We were in France during the 70th D Day anniversary in June; the French were shocked,shocked that Obama would actually chew gum vigorously as the Queen of England arrived and as the French National Anthem was being played.

Apparently the incident was covered here, but I can tell you there that this scandal was everywhere because of its disrespect of a world leader.

Apparently there was no reason for our self-obsessed to take a Selfie when meeting the Chinese dude.


5 thoughts on “Obama arrives in Asia wearing WHAT?

  1. This gay blade POTUS should be forced to wear a CLOWN costume from now until the end of his presidency so wherever he may go people will know that citizens of this country recognize him as a monumental fraud and liar and that no foreign country should take anything he has to to say as representing we the people……..when anyone thinks of Obola – it should be a choice – cry or laugh…….maybe in a Clown costume the rest of the world will just laugh……..a fitting end for this totalitarian, narcissistic, evil monster that has made a sad laughing stock out of the USA……..surely America does not have an enemy out there that could ever in a hundred years do as much damage as this POS has done in 6 long years………

  2. In his defense it is an Asian style suit. The collar is called a “chinese collar” and people in Asia are real hot on the pastels and other “less than normal” colors.

    On a side note his wife is wearing a jockstrap and a mustache.

    1. But then, she always wears a jockstrap and mustache.

      Dinglebat has not yet heard that chairman Mao and his suits went out of fashion some time ago.

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