Obama-Bloomberg Minions Renew National Effort to Take Away Your Guns

They Are Coming For All GunsAmmoLand

Washington, DC –-(Ammoland.com)- No one hates guns more than California.

They came close to banning most semi-autos and do register all guns.  They have moved to regulate ammunition.  They have just established a $24 million program to send SWAT teams to people’s homes to confiscate their guns.  They are using microstamping and pushing gun-insurance requirements as a mechanism for banning guns nationwide.

And yet, on Friday night, California’s hatred of freedom did nothing but turn 19 people — six dead and 13 wounded — into sitting ducks, as a deranged killer went on a rampage in a quiet college town.

We, along with all Americans, pray that God will give comfort to those who mourn for the family members they lost over the weekend.

But what can we learn from this latest horrific tragedy?

First, gun control made people less safe. California, which has the strictest gun laws in the nation, has a gun-homicide rate that is 70 times higher than Utah’s — the state the Brady Campaign listed as having the least gun control in the nation.  So people are actually much safer in Utah, where guns are more easily available!

Second, the shooter (whose name we will not publicize) amply demonstrated one of his motives with his widely televised videotape and his 140-page manifesto:  he wanted to get his 15 weeks of fame on MSNBC and CNN, who immediately responded with the type of crazed coverage that can only encourage more copycat shootings.

Third, we would note that this privileged kid had been prescribed drugs such as Risperidone — and we would be willing to bet that he was one of 1-in-5 boys (and 11% of all kids, 4-17) who, because of federal law, had been shuttled onto Ritalin or Adderall. All of this tends to reinforce the apparent link between certain prescription drugs and mass murder.

What are the practical ramifications? 

Well, it didn’t take any time at all for the Bloomberg vultures to descend upon the horrific tragedy to try to pick its bones for political gain.

Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) and Rep. Peter King (R-NY) have already called for stricter gun controls in the wake of the California shooting.  CNN did its part to push for gun control yesterday, with a headline blaring:  “Will California shooting revive gun debate?”

And on Monday, MSNBC’s Richard Lui asked Bloomberg minion Erika Soto Lamb:  “Does this help your cause?” and “Will this emotion translate” into a greater push for gun control?  Lamb’s reply:  “Absolutely.”

What an unspeakably vile admission it is for gun control advocates to rejoice over the deaths of children because it “helps [their] cause.”

But the problem is this:  There are at least 15 Democrats running for the Senate in pro-gun states on the lie that they care something about the Second Amendment.  Some are no-name challengers.

But at least eleven are currently members of the Senate:  Mark Begich (D-AK), Mark Pryor (D-AR), Mary Landrieu (D-LA), Kay Hagan (D-NC), John Walsh (D-MT), Mark Warner (D-VA), Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), Mark Udall (D-CO), Tom Udall (D-NM), Jeff Merkley (D-OR) and Al Franken (D-MN).

If they are allowed to go into the election without taking an actual position on gun control — one that makes a difference — and, if they are elected to the Senate, the Second Amendment will be in grave danger in 2015.

For this reason, we are asking Senators Ted Cruz and Rand Paul to force a Senate vote on changing the Senate rules to prohibit any gun control.  Harry Reid has already blown up the Senate rules to pack the circuit courts with anti-gun judges. And, Reid has further threatened to weaken the filibuster rules — a parliamentary tool which gun rights supporters have used to protect the Second Amendment.

Gun owners must encourage the pro-gun leaders in the Senate to demonstrate that they care as much about the Second Amendment as Reid cares about destroying it.

ACTION:  (1) Write your Senators.  Demand that they support Senate rules changes to prohibit any gun control from being adopted in the Senate. NOTE:  If you live in Texas or Kentucky, the Engage action site will invite you to send a different message to each of your two Senators. (2) If you live outside of Texas or Kentucky, then use the pre-written letter below to contact Senators Cruz and Paul.  (You can use the following contact information for Ted Cruz and Rand Paul).  Ask them to push a rules change to prohibit any gun control measure from passing in the Senate.

—– Pre-written letter to Senators Ted Cruz and Rand Paul —–

Dear Senator:

No one hates guns more than California. They lead the nation in restricting people’s access to firearms.

And yet, on Friday night, California’s hatred of freedom did nothing but turn 19 people — six dead and 13 wounded — into sitting ducks, as a deranged killer went on a rampage in a quiet college town. 

I, along with all Americans, hope that those who mourn for their lost family members will be comforted.

Sadly, it didn’t take any time at all for the Bloomberg vultures to descend upon the horrific tragedy to try to pick its bones for political gain. 

And there are at least 15 Democrats running for the Senate in pro-gun states on the lie that they care something about the Second Amendment.  Some are no-name challengers.  But at least eleven are currently members of the Senate.

If they are allowed to go into the election without taking an actual position on gun control — one that makes a difference — and, if they are elected to the Senate, the Second Amendment will be in grave danger in 2015. 

For this reason, I am hoping that you will force a Senate vote on changing the Senate rules to prohibit any gun control.  Harry Reid has already blown up the Senate rules to pack the circuit courts with anti-gun judges. And The Washington Times recently reported that Reid is looking to further weaken the filibuster rules — a parliamentary tool which gun rights supporters have used to protect the Second Amendment.

So Gun Owners of America is supporting a Senate rules change like this:

“It shall not be in order to consider any bill, resolution, amendment, motion or other matter which would impose gun control or impede any American’s Second Amendment rights.”

I think it’s imperative that pro-gun Senators demonstrate that they care as much about the Second Amendment as Reid cares about destroying it. 

Please sponsor this rules change.


Gun Owners of America
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102
Springfield, VA 22151
Phone: 703-321-8585
FAX: 703-321-8408

About:Gun Owners of America (GOA) is a non-profit lobbying organization formed in 1975 to preserve and defend the Second Amendment rights of gun owners. GOA sees firearms ownership as a freedom issue. `The only no comprise gun lobby in Washington’ – Ron Paul Visit: www.gunowners.org to Join.

Read more: http://www.ammoland.com/2014/05/obama-bloomberg-minions-renew-national-effort-to-take-away-your-guns/#ixzz33FOwb8gH
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2 thoughts on “Obama-Bloomberg Minions Renew National Effort to Take Away Your Guns

  1. Yea, write to the traitors, Rand Paul and the half Cuban, half Canadian, half American Ted Cruz. I’m sure they will help us all. Just be stupid one more time.

    Hang the Commie bastards! That’s all that needs to be done. No more dog and pony Congress show.

  2. “And yet, on Friday night, California’s hatred of freedom did nothing but turn 19 people — six dead and 13 wounded — into sitting ducks, as a deranged killer went on a rampage in a quiet college town.”

    Really? Funny, I haven’t seen a single body so far. Not even that of the alleged “deranged killer”.

    I guess that since the ‘media’ SAID it happened, it must have.

    And Anna Nicole Smith married for love, too.

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