Obama Loses Steam: Beginning of The End?

The Last Resistance- by Frank Camp

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow said: “Perseverance is a great element of success. If you only knock long enough and loud enough at the gate, you are sure to wake up somebody.”

Sometimes I become very agitated. I read and watch the news, and nothing ever seems to change. It’s as if this world is a living View-Master, with only so many possibilities. With every click, we go round and round, eventually finding ourselves looking at the same picture. It becomes tiresome to watch. Then—every once in a while—something changes; we get a new picture. I am beginning to see the new picture, and it is captivating.  

According to a new Gallup poll, Obama’s economic approval rating has slipped to an abysmal 35%. Just two short months ago, his economic approval stood at 42%. A seven point drop in two months must mean something. What’s more, this precipitous fall came after the President went on an all-out economy themed tour.

On this tour, Obama said: “I care about one thing and one thing only, and that’s how to use every minute of the 1,276 days remaining in my term to make this country work for working Americans again.”

Why would Obama’s numbers drop so significantly in so short a time, and after he toured with such promises? Easy answer: because Americans are sick and tired of hearing promises, and seeing nothing as a result. Obama’s signature legislation—Obamacare—is tearing apart at the seams, the economy is fumbling greatly, and he just keeps on keeping on, saying the same things.

Now, we’re running on year five of Barack Obama’s Presidency. For five years, I’ve watched low-information voters push the button and get their treat over and over again. I’ve seen it for so long that I had begun to believe nothing could ever change. But this seemingly insignificant poll has me thinking twice.

Perhaps the weight of Obamacare and the IRS, NSA, and Benghazi scandals are beginning to weigh on the minds of the American people. Maybe this is the splash of cold water we needed to wake up. Regardless, I am happy to see movement in the downward direction, because it means something is happening.

A persistently bad President has finally knocked hard enough to wake us up.
Read more at http://lastresistance.com/3039/obama-loses-steam-beginning-of-the-end/#kWtSS4DH3wV0b0PW.99

17 thoughts on “Obama Loses Steam: Beginning of The End?

    1. Contrare……there is plenty of action from this demented channel of socialist-marxists……….. its call cronyism,corruption, and criminality. all on an epic scale of decadence and debauchery, in the end it benefits only the very elite while leaving the commoners(we the people) with less and less as their cancer known as socialist-fascism continues its slow creep of death across our countryside.

      1. …please..are you two going to take us down the Lib vs. Conservative road again? How dense does one have to be to “not see”…that this is exactly the road the elite want us to take? Please quit fighting among yourselves..and aim your anger at the “corrupt leadership & systems’ that have brought us to this point…unless you are idiotic shills who are only on this site to cause friction…then please..study up on how you are being screwed by the L vs. R…Lib vs. Con …Black vs. white…please get over it…!

        Form some grand juries around the country..indict the Bush family…the Clinton family and the Obama, Gore, Biden, Rumsfeld….Cheney families..indict, convict all of them of generational treason and start convicting and hanging the wives, the kids, Grand-kids..start hanging them as we seize their ill-gotten fortunes… …convict and hang them now….all of the thieving, Constitution violating pigs…


        RJ O’Guillory
        Webster Groves – The Life of an Insane Family

  1. The Obama experiment has failed due to fatal google attack:

    google: barak mounir ubayd + canada + 1982 + ioc + pastel + FIELD MCCONNELL

    google: BENGHAZI + achilles vagina + chorizo + cornhole + train wreck + FIELD MCCONNELL

    google: buap + QRS 11 + FIELD MCCONNELL + k u band + FBCA + FADEC + crash

    These three searches will explain his birth and name change in Canada, the fact he was playing spades with Reggie Love while Hillary was blocking calls from Benghazi, and how Obama’s Department of Justice has suppressed 9/11 truth in Civil Case 1:08-1600 (RMC).

    Tick tock, Barry Soetoro, tick tock. Field McConnell, Oathkeeper

  2. It’s funny how the author describes the world as a “living viewmaster” where according to his news sources, nothing ever changes, and then goes on to quote some BS poll numbers as signs of encouragement.

    Maybe if Mr. Frank Camp didn’t spend so much time staring into the TV like a moron he’d see the change all around him. This buffoon thinks 35% of the population approves of Obama because the TV told him so, and everyone I talk to would like to see him dead or impeached.

    What we have here is another idiot writing about what’s on TV, as if we need some kind of middle-man to help shovel the lies. Wake up, open your eyes, and have a look around you, fool. Try writing an article based on what’s actually happening rather than what the TV lies to you about.

  3. Much agreed, Jolly Roger!
    Everyday something new happens and none of it’s good for us. Everyday they come at us from a different angle, than the day before.

  4. And how many presidents have we gone through over the years who end up falling in ratings and as a result we keep changing them out every 4-8 years like old shoes? Nothing is going to change if we keep expecting something different with every president we elect and then keep discarding them because they aren’t qualified to do the job. Let’s look in the mirror folks and come up with a different paradigm about the way we elect, who we elect, if we elect, or even if we need to elect someone to govern. We are a smarter species than that.

    No … I have no suggestions. We need to put our heads together to figure this one out.

    . . .

    1. Agreed Cathleen.

      Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

      Albert Einstein

      1. “Technological progress is like an axe in the hands of a pathological criminal.”


        As to Obummer losing steam, never happen.

        That POS is full of enough hot air to cause a case of REAL global warming.

  5. We have a viable model right here in front of us: ICELAND. Instead of sending politicians to Israel for “orientations”, they should be sent, if anywhere, to Iceland.

    1. Yea good choice Yeims, but I still would like to send each and every politicion of this world right up to the russian front so they can freeze their balls off and talk their sh*t. That would be a good place for their cave man mentality in some cold assed ice cave. And they could just stay there.

    2. Only if your talking in body bags.

      And only AFTER we strip them of all the wealth they’ve stolen from us.

      1. I asked my Congressman the other day..via e-mail…under the protections of the “American’s with Disabilities Act”…since I am disabled and could not make it to his “Town-Hall Meeting”…

        I asked for “reasonable accommodation” and asked that since I could not make it to the meeting, if a member of his staff could ask my question publicly and then post the Congressman’s response via video on his facebook page or website…

        The questions I asked:

        1. Are you now, or have you ever been black-mailed by the NSA, CIA, DHS, TSA, FBI…or any other agency, entity or corporate unit…and if so, for what conduct were you being black-mailed and for what ends or purposes?

        2. Presuming the answer is no…can we expect the Congressman to enter new legislation…on the floor of the House…that would provide “Amnesty” for any traitors below the Cabinet Level who are willing to openly testify to their black-mailed behavior and to what they did for the black-mailers… NSA / TSA.. whomever…then..after they truthfully testify..they get their pension, their illicit wealth and 30 days to get out of the country…free to go…then..with their testimony…we begin having Grand Jury trials..no appeals….and we go after the Cabinet Level and above people…the leadership..so to speak..and their private , corporate treasonous partners…then we build “The Bushes”..or otherwise known as The National Gallows for American Values…built at Ground Zero 911..of thermite tainted steel from 911 WTC…after conviction …start hanging the Rumsfeld family…the entire Cheney family…including that treasonous bitch of a daughter of BIG-Dick-Cheney …convict them all of treason and hang them immediately…

        I understand the desire to punish all of them…but if we are to be practical …and win this battle…we have to undermine what they think we’ll want to do…so I say..if possible…skip all of the violence…use the law… and hang the leadership in such a brutal, cruel and inhumane fashion…that leaders in the future will piss in their pants as the crowds begin to gather…


        RJ O’Guillory
        Webster Groves – The Life of an Insane Family

        1. “….so i say..if possible…skip all of the violence…”

          Not possible with these ‘creatures’. Violence is inevitable.

          “…use the law…”

          Not in THEIR courts, with THEIR judges.

          But this part I like…………..

          “…..and hang the leadership in such a brutal, cruel and inhumane fashion…that leaders in the future will piss in their pants as the crowds begin to gather…”

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