Obama White House: Terrorists Will Stop Attacking if We Pass Gun Control Laws

Infowars – by Paul Joseph Watson

The Obama administration reacted to yesterday’s shooting in San Bernardino – likely carried out by a Muslim terrorist – by insisting that “common sense” gun laws will deter jihadists who are planning attacks.  

Reporter Peter Doocy asked White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest: “Does the President really think that common sense gun laws would deter terrorists now that he has admitted that these two may have been terrorists?”

“Yes. The president believes that passing common sense gun laws that makes it harder for people with bad intentions to get guns, makes the country safer,” responded Earnest.

“But so the president thinks that when there are potentially two terrorists sitting around planning a mass murder they may call it off because President Obama has put in place common sense gun laws?” Doocy shot back.

“Why wouldn’t we make it harder for them? What’s the explanation for that?” responded Earnest.

The Obama White House is essentially arguing that passing more gun laws which disarm law-abiding citizens will somehow make jihadists, who have access to international terrorist contacts and back-door weapons smuggling rings, less determined and less capable of carrying out massacres.

Right, because it worked great in Paris didn’t it?

According to the L.A. Times, Obama is planning “to use executive authority to close the so-called gun show loophole that allows thousands of people to buy guns each year without a background check.”

Meanwhile, Obama is still saying that the massacre, carried out by a devout Muslim who memorized the Koran, was radicalized by terrorists, and traveled to Saudi Arabia could just be an act of workplace violence.

Former New York Mayor Rudi Giuliani was somewhat more certain in his opinion, asserting that anyone who thinks yesterday’s attack isn’t terrorism is a “moron”.

Watch the video below to discover how the left’s phony narrative behind the shooting completely imploded after it emerged that the killer was a Muslim.


20 thoughts on “Obama White House: Terrorists Will Stop Attacking if We Pass Gun Control Laws

  1. “Yes. The president believes that passing common sense gun laws that makes it harder for people with bad intentions to get guns, makes the country safer,”

    “Common sense gun laws”???

    There’s an oxymoron if ever there was one.

    “Meanwhile, Obama is still saying that the massacre, carried out by a devout Muslim who memorized the Koran, was radicalized by terrorists, and traveled to Saudi Arabia could just be an act of workplace violence.”

    It was neither.

    But it’s easy to see that stinking tub-o-lard AJ’s agenda in this statement. Of course it was Muslims, according to that bloated toad.

    F’n Mossad/CIA, you scumbag jew loving puke.

    1. Actually #1, the terrorists will stop attacking if we pass stricter gun laws. That is to say the ZOG will let down on their false flags. And hey is it just me or wasn’t it confirmed by eye witnesses and police scanners that there were at least 3 shooters? Hmm, wonder how 3 shooters described as athletically built, tall men morphed into a man and woman?

      1. “… wonder how 3 shooters described as athletically built, tall men morphed into a man and woman?”

        Their plans, like their words, are infinitely malleable, jamal.

        Subject to change at a moment’s notice.

      2. A 90lb woman at that, who was questionable about her ability to even wear a vest!? More plastic on the walls..

  2. Terrorists Will Stop Attacking if We Pass Gun Control Laws

    Hahhahhahahah wow what an idiot, and anyone who buys this pile of crap

    yes Obama we see your agenda , and this statement just proved it

  3. Hey Bammy….

    ……..(‘(…´…´…. ¯~/’…’)
    ……….”…………. _.·´

    Thanks #1

    1. Most welcome, Hoppes.

      It was either digger or NC (can’t recall which) that hooked me up with that one over 2 years ago.

      Comes in mighty handy at times.

  4. So Mr. Obama say’s if we give up our guns, The U.S. government will stop all false flags, Shit negro, that’s all you had to say! Where can i drop off my weapons tomorrow?……………….I Don’t Think So.

    1. “Where can i drop off my weapons tomorrow?”

      LOL… hell, we’ve got plenty of room for them, Wade. 🙄

  5. Rudy JEWleonie, piece of $h!t from way back, crawled out of Trump’s anus to make an a$$ out of himself, says there’s a terrorist under every rock, “We gotta ‘beat the brush’, scurry the tumbleweeds, and root out these mooooslim tewwowists.” ” If you don’t think it was an Arab, then don’t look at us joo bastards!”

  6. ““Yes. The president believes that passing common sense gun laws that makes it harder for people with bad intentions to get guns, makes the country safer,” responded Earnest.”

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! ROLMFAO!! I’m still laughing 10 minutes after reading this. And this guy gets paid millions and doesn’t get fired for saying something as idiotic as that. Man, I’m in the wrong profession.

  7. He should be the FIRST TO STEP UP.

    Dear WH Usurper:

    Set the first example.

    Loose the security team, and any personal weapons,
    and step out in public!

    You go first.

    tyvm, I can’t wait.

  8. how would a “common sense” gun law (whatever that is) deter someone with “bad intentions?”

    Common sense tells me that the two do not align whatsoever.

    And Josh Earnest’s (great name BTW) response is “why wouldn’t we make it harder for them? What’s the explanation for that?” a non sequitur of sorts.

    Well, there IS no logical way to explain a false flag that is rapidly disintegrating under a small amount of scrutiny. They are getting sloppier and sloppier, and that is a bit worrying…

    Meanwhile all the pharmaceutical drugs have addled people’s brains enough that they can no longer think their way clearly through an argument.

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