ATF Says Weapons Used in San Bernardino Shooting Were Illegal in California

PJ Media – by Liz Sheld

More information about the San Bernardino massacre is trickling out as federal officials investigate details surrounding the attack on a county employee Christmas party.  Many people, including myself, were curious about the firearms used since California has notoriously strict gun regulations. Reports of “automatic weapons” and even “semi-automatic assault-style weapons” seemed to be disconnected from California’s almost uniform prohibition on such firearms.  

Another reason the guns in question are important is that the left and its media handmaidens swiftly mobilized to beat the gun control drum…even before the shooters were permanently put out of business.

The media proudly reports that the firearms were purchased legally. They are trying to create the narrative that the current gun laws allowed this to happen. They want you to know: “Hey, this was all legally done. We need more laws to stop this from happening again.”

But not so fast.  It may be true that these guns were purchased legally, but they were not used legally and in fact, they were modified in violation of the California firearms laws, says the ATF.

While they were originally sold legally, with magazine locking devices commonly known as bullet buttons, the rifles were subsequently altered in different ways to make them more powerful, according to Meredith Davis, a special agent with the ATF.The Smith & Wesson rifle was changed in an attempt to enable it fire infully automatic mode, while the DPMS weapon was modified to use alarge-capacity magazine, she said.

Those alterations made the weapons unlawful under California’s ban on assault weapons, which bans guns with magazines that can detach for quick reloading.

The state legally allows the sale and ownership of assault weapons that have fixed magazines.

EDITED TO ADD: Modifying a gun for fully automatic fire is illegal in every state, it’s a federal law. A VERY SERIOUS federal law.

While we hear more grandstanding about the need for more gun control, keep in mind all the current laws that were broken to execute this violent massacre:

  • The shooters used weapons they did not purchase (sounds like a straw purchase or illegal transfer).
  • The shooters modified guns to accept high-capacity magazines.
  • The shooters modified guns for automatic fire.

Can anyone think of a law we could put in place that these homicidal maniacs, or any criminal or homicidal maniac, would follow? I can’t.

And because the media is so stupid about guns, they don’t know that the firearm laws pertain not just to purchases but also to the way a gun is used. That is an inconvenient pill to swallow for the gun grabbers because if they consider the way firearms are used, the focus turns to the person using the gun and not the gun itself. Their propaganda is designed to demonize the gun, not to look at the people who are misusing firearms. They don’t want you to ask questions like “What’s going on in the inner cities of Chicago?” Instead they want you to say “Look what guns are doing to the inner cities of Chicago!”

We live in an era where no one wants to be held responsible for anything so its much easier to vilify an inanimate object. Be on alert: every time you read how these guns were legally purchased, the media is trying to put one over on you.

11 thoughts on “ATF Says Weapons Used in San Bernardino Shooting Were Illegal in California

  1. “They want you to know: “Hey, this was all legally done. We need more laws to stop this from happening again.”

    Pass all the INFRINGEMENTS you want, sleazeballs.

    Passing and enforcing are two different things.

    Molon labe, jewb#tches.

    all-black guns look stupid. What are you? A swat team member?

    a little duracoat or rustolium goes a long way. Nearly every piece comes in at least 3 colors these days. Live a little.

    As for bullet buttons and 10round mags,,,suck it califonica. Its good to know oregon nevada or arizona could invade you while your trying to reload.

    A dpms and a s&w? so you purchased an over-priced average ar with a s&w on the side and a lowest quality parts generic pile of junk that looks like military issue(mattel).
    Did you want a fore end vert-grip you could hold with both hands or just get a screaming deal on one nobody else would ever buy? The bi-pod feature is atrocious and the quad rail must have been uncomfortable. These guns look like an idiot designed them. Or a schizophrenic. And ammo on strippers not mag’d?


    1. “Its good to know oregon nevada or arizona could invade you while your trying to reload.”

      funniest thing I have heard today

  3. If we decide to believe the official narrative of this exercise..,What was illegal was the fact that California unarmed everyone of those victims ,and should be sued up the a$$ for all of this .
    Everyone should be armed or at least have the right to bear arms period
    Yes by choice , if you don’t want to , fine but no person , corperation, or government shall ever infringe upon another’s right to have the right tool to defend ones self at all times
    That place provided no security so it must be assumed that you must provide your own

    One of these days someone in one of these no gun zones is going to not obey the stupid sticker , and plug an assailant
    Will he than be killed by police?
    Or implicated in the entire incident
    Etc …. These are the reasons why people don’t react , too afraid of the backlash for doing the right thing
    This is what this PC jack holes of this country have done to this entire population to some degree

    Just throwing shit on the wall

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