Off-duty police officer accidentally shoots himself

Darryl-Jouett-010415USA Today – by Henry Molski

CINCINNATI — An off-duty police officer accidentally shot himself Saturday on his way back from dinner with his wife in Cincinnati.

Cincinnati police said in a news release that Officer Darryl Jouett of the Erlanger (Ky.) Police Department was in an elevator when he tried to adjust the weapon in his holster and shot himself in the stomach.

The duty-issued .40-caliber semi-automatic handgun discharged and the bullet ricocheted off the walls of the elevator, police said.  

Jouett was taken to University of Cincinnati Medical Center with injuries that were not life-threatening.

The Erlanger Police Department said Jouett has been with the department for more than 25 years.

Capt. Mike John with the Cincinnati Police Department called the situation “very unusual.”

Contributing: The Associated Press

19 thoughts on “Off-duty police officer accidentally shoots himself

  1. Doesn’t that make you feel even safer? Barney Fife managed to get that one bullet out of his shirt pocket and fire a round! 😆

  2. Either way, when it all boils down, it’ll be a little different than “The Andy Griffith Show” that we will face. I’m saying it will be a classic version of “The Keystone Cops”, insofar as the local law enforcement, and that’s what makes the situation extremely dangerous.

    1. LOL
      That gave me a vision of someone like him taking one of those pieces of military equipment they’ve been acquiring and “accidentally” firing on a City Hall or State Capital Building…
      That would be Sweet… ROFL

      1. Hey Angel. 🙂

        I’m here talking with Nottoobitter right now. That’s why I haven’t been commenting at all today. Off to my brother’s tomorrow, then Henry & Laura’s after that. 🙂

        1. Have a great time. 🙂 Wish I was there.
          Did you get my email?
          Every muscle, bone in my body hurts. Plus, today did NOT go well. Murphy’s Law. I’m on my own, No help from Anyone. Tomorrow, Hell begins. Don’t know how much I’ll be online for the next week or so, but I’ll try to check in.

          1. Keep the humorous vision in your head and know you are in our thoughts and prayers, Angel. Wake up swinging. I truly hope you feel better soon! 🙂

  3. Capt. Mike John with the Cincinnati Police Department called the situation “very unusual.”

    Anyone else would call it “very stupid”.

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