Officer shot after traffic stop, suspect at large

KFOR 4 News

OKLAHOMA CITY – A Valley Brook police officer is in critical condition after being shot in the leg during a traffic stop.

The shooting took place around 5:30 p.m. near I-240 and Eastern.

The officer had his back turned and was making his way back to his vehicle when the driver shot him in the leg.  

“It’s dangerous anytime you pull somebody over and in this case he had actually already made contact with the person he had pulled over and then he turned around to walk back to the vehicle,” said Oklahoma County Sheriff’s Spokesman Mark Opgrande. “A sheriff’s deputy arrived on the scene and began giving CPR and putting a tourniquet on him to stop the bleeding.”

An ambulance took the officer to the hospital, where he underwent surgery.

Meanwhile, police located the red Chevrolet Avalanche the suspect had been driving. Officers from the tactical team brought in an armored vehicle and surrounded the Chevy behind a Toys R Us store near I-35 and S.E. 66th St.

“Nobody was found in the car,” said Oklahoma City Police Officer Jeff Dutton. “The car was empty. Right now this is going to be part of the scene and we’re going to process that scene and get more details from that.”

Right now, officers do not have a description of the subject or know if multiple people were involved. Police are hoping a K-9 unit can help develop leads on the suspect. They are also searching a nearby field.

Traffic on westbound I-240 was shut down at Eastern Ave. as police investigated the shooting of one of their own.

“It seems to be pretty prevalent of stuff going on in the country right now and it’s saddening to hear any time a shooting takes place,” Dutton said, “whether it involves an officer, an emergency responder or just anyone in the public period.”

Valley Brook police are reviewing dash cam footage of the shooting.

5 thoughts on “Officer shot after traffic stop, suspect at large

  1. At this point, all we can do is hope and pray that the pig gives up the ghost, and the shooter gets away.

  2. SHOT IN THE LEG???????????????????
    C’MONJ GUYS!!!!!! MARKSMANSHIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. EXACTLY!!!

      “The officer had his back turned and was making his way back to his vehicle when the driver shot him in the leg.”

      How the hell can you miss a target THAT BIG (pig’s BACK)???

      AND UNAWARE?????

  3. NO…..The officer wasnt turned from him he never even made it to the vehicle to identify the suspect. Just watch nthe police cam. im not saying this man is innocent. I do believe he got a bad deal with 30 years. Just because he has a criminal record doesnt mean he the shooter. There were 3 other people in that truck. RATTTTTT…. Is what i smell

  4. Another Article typo…

    It should read…
    Drum roll pleeeeez…

    “Large Suspect Shot After Officer Stop”.

    Good thing he wasn’t in the car behind the Toyz aren’t US.

    Because their security team would have taken him out with automatic Nerf gunz and Nerf bazookas.

    Ever get shot in the eye with a nerf bazooka by an 8 year old….?

    It fkng hurtz.

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