Open Letter to All

I just wanted to say that it’s only a matter of time when Americans wake up and realize that it’s not about black vs. white, it’s about the 1% vs. the 99%.

If you don’t own a mansion, or several homes, travel all over the world, drive luxurious cars, own yachts, private jets and take expensive vacations, then you are the 99%.

I applaud those with great pride who have worked hard and saved their money to enjoy life at its fullest, those who have never and will never take handouts from anyone, including governments.  Those who truly believe in right and wrong that stand up to those who have no remorse, or guilt about their corrupt dealings because they know they will always be protected.   

I say the time is coming, I used to believe that too many Americans lived in the moment, their heads in the sand oblivious to their surroundings and yet, there is cause for hope after all.

We are awaking to the global realities upon us, this age of the internet has backfired on the 1% and it no longer benefits them, from all colors of race we have finally received a dose of reality and even though there are still those out there who have not taken off their rose colored glasses will in time discover that corruption begets corruption and come to know that God and the Devil are really good and evil.

From all four corners of the globe, there is a William Wallace moment growing and the 1% who have indulged in the taking of the 99% have known this for quite some time!  Yet, they continue to promise change and a better life for all, and it is here that people are discovering that there is only a one party system, and we are not invited!

In America we cherish our 2nd amendment, but across the globe in city streets they use rocks and sticks to fight corruption and here in the land of the free, we VOTE to fight corruption but we are beginning to see how well that has worked out for us, and this, this is where the sentiment is flowing, we are ashamed, disgusted and outraged, for we now know that black vs. white vs. brown is only hindering our strength, the rhetoric is getting old, the corruption is getting old, the wars are getting old and we are tired of the nonsense.

When Americans as a whole finally accept this brutal truth, then and only then will we be a force this world has ever known!

It’s not a matter of if, but a matter of when.


8 thoughts on “Open Letter to All

  1. I believe “when” has to happen…I just don’t know “when.” You would think that the numbers of those who are awake would be enough to start the “when.” I figure there must be a few million people out there who know the deal…..why isn’t that enough? Is it really about people becoming awake? So, let’s say 50% of the people are awake…will that do it? I don’t think so. It will be an event that will create absolute madness among the masses…absolute anger in tandem of being awake….It will be an event.

  2. The brutal truth, scott, is that america has been taken over from the inside-out by zionist ‘jews’ hell bent on world domination and subjugation. So far it seems to be working out very well for them.

    That will change.


  3. I think it comes down to fear of acting. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying cowardice to fight, I’m saying fear to initially act. It is a big step, and one gives up everything when it is taken. One fears what they will look like in the media and the eyes of their fellow citizens. I don’t think, in most peoples eyes, that it has gotten bad enough to act and put everything on the line. There is also the social conditioning of being a good obedient citizen to government that has to be overcome. I think, however, many are ready to act when an incident occurs like Waco. The mood is one of a tinderbox ready to light with the smallest of sparks.

    1. That’s right….it could be as little as a cop shooting the wrong person at the wrong time…..I know this has happened, but one too many times and the tinderbox explodes and spreads like wild fire.

  4. Check out: operation american spring online. May 16th onward, millions converge on Wash. DC making demands, etc. This may be the tipping point, time will tell. Many think it’s too late, the ship has sailed and the country is over with. This is my thinking and others I know. Few will really stand up when gov grabs the guns, installs martial law, and herds everyone off to camps, as most everyone is stuck in stupid and will go with the flow.

    1. They tried that last year, laura. It didn’t work. Repeating the same thing and expecting different results is insanity.

      Nothing will change until the people take up arms and force the foreign insurgents out of our government offices and hang them. That’s it. Plain and simple. The sooner people realize this the better.

      Enough with the marches and peaceful protests. That time has long been over! We are at war and the only way to win it is by taking back our country by force with the power of our Second Article right.

  5. IMO it will not ” begin ” until we are ready to stand up for our neighbors and strangers.
    When we are willing to help the raw milk farmer during his raid. Standing up for the stranger being being abused by LEO’s.
    They have us where they want us while we act as individuals.

  6. The planned march on Washington by millions has it’s dangers, but I think it is about the last thing that will peacefully alter the situation. If it fails, there will be no other choice I fear. If the occupation is cracked down upon hard, it may be a call to arms for many that are on the fence.

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