Outlawing Microchipping Humans Not So Far Fetched, Nevada Senator Says

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: This entire idea proves how faint our sense of freedom really is. This is America, we are supposed to be free. What do they mean we need a bill to keep us from being forced to have some implantable chip? If you don’t want a chip you don’t get a chip. The fact that the government wants to get involved tells you they will end up pushing something on the people. Let’s face it, we all are chipped already. You are attached to a cellular device that has wifi connectivity which basically provides tracking wherever you are. A personal listening device if you will. That’s what the CIA reminded us of anyway.

State Sen. Becky Harris said a bill to prohibit forced microchipping of people is not as far-fetched as it might seem because it happens in some places around the world.

Senate Bill 109 would make it a Class C felony to require someone to be implanted with a radio frequency identifier, such as microchips placed in pets.The idea for the bill came from a constituent, the Las Vegas Republican said.

“As I began to look into the issue I was surprised with the merit that I believe the issue warrants,” Harris told the Senate Judiciary Committee on Monday.

Source: Outlawing microchipping humans not so far fetched, Nevada senator says | Las Vegas Review-Journal


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