Before It’s News – by N. Morgan

Isn’t it interesting how the “liberal” states talk about freedom, but are usually the most oppressive to their communities?  California is now watching the postings of the students, under the guise of protecting the children from bullying and child predators. What business is it of theirs, what these children are doing? That is the children’s PARENTS job to monitor the children. The schools and state have no right to try to parent our children, regardless of what BS they may try to feed you. Tyranny is tyranny. The schools are again over stepping their bounds and are trying to control every aspect of our children’s lives and by default, control our lives too.  Authorities in California are now snooping on school students’ social media postings to catch law-breaking, bullying and other harmful activities. Continue reading “Big Brother: LA To Monitor Students Social Media Activities”

Michael BloombergBusiness Insider – by BRETT LOGIURATO

In two high-profile elections on opposite sides of the country on Tuesday, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg was a big loser.

The first came in his backyard of New York, where Democratic voters are on the verge of making Bill de Blasio their nominee for mayor. Bloomberg, as he revealed last weekend, is not a big fan of de Blasio, a candidate who has made a winning campaign out of tarnishing Bloomberg’s legacy. City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, Bloomberg’s preferred choice, finished a distant third.   Continue reading “It Was A Terrible Night For Michael Bloomberg”


Update: Tune into our live video stream at at 5:20 Eastern Time on Wednesday, September 11 – the time of day that WTC 7 came down on 9/11/2001. Be on time!    Continue reading “An All-Day Tour Culminating with Times Square Rally: “9/11: Ignoring the Evidence is No Longer an Option””

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: LIES! Read our article, “Iran-bound S-300 anti-aircraft systems ‘dismantled’ – Russia,”  from Aug. 30th 2013. Russia destroyed the S-300 system they were going to deliver, now Putin has a change of mind weeks later? Do you see the deception playing out of the end times yet? Aside from that, he is offering five systems which is an absolute joke. Look back six months ago and the article below would say “Syria” where it says “Iran” today. This is yet another lie, another diversion and another setup. Read our notes in, “Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin set for collision over Syria at G20 summit“. Continue reading “LIES: Russia ‘To Renew Offer To Supply S-300s To Iran’”


Der Spiegel today published a new story about NSA spying on smartphones, which includes the following PowerPoint slides. They are illustrative if only because they demonstrate the degree to which the super-secretive agency has profound disrespect for the public. A particularly classy slide calls iPhone users ‘zombies’ and makes fun of us for paying for the services that enable the NSA to track our physical locations.   Continue reading “The NSA: iPhone users are “zombies” who pay for their own surveillance”


The National Security Agency for almost three years searched a massive database of Americans’ phone call records attempting to identify potential terrorists in violation of court-approved privacy rules, and the problem went unfixed because no one at the agency had a full technical understanding of how its system worked, according to new documents and senior government officials.   Continue reading “NSA admits it violated American’s privacy by spying on their phone calls”

photo_1378882093207-1-HD.jpgFox News

BENGHAZI, Libya (AFP) –  A powerful blast caused serious damage to a foreign ministry building in the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi on Wednesday, witnesses said.

The explosion comes on the first anniversary of an attack by militants on the United States consulate in Benghazi, which killed four Americans, including the ambassador.   Continue reading “Blast wrecks govt office in Libya’s Benghazi”

ReThink 911

 One in Two Surveyed Have Doubts About Government’s Account of 9/11.

 46% Suspect Controlled Demolition of World Trade Center Building 7 after Viewing Video Footage of Collapse.

On the 12th anniversary of 9/11, a new national survey by the polling firm YouGov reveals that one in two Americans have doubts about the government’s account of 9/11, and after viewing video footage of World Trade Center Building 7’s collapse, 46% suspect that it was caused by a controlled demolition. Building 7, a 47-story skyscraper, collapsed into its own footprint late in the afternoon on 9/11.    Continue reading “New Poll Finds Most Americans Open to Alternative 9/11 Theories”

NPR – by Associated Press

Voters ousted two Colorado Democratic lawmakers Tuesday in the state’s first ever legislative recall launched over their support for stricter gun laws after last year’s mass shootings.

Senate President John Morse and Sen. Angela Giron both lost their jobs in an election seen as a national measure of popular support for gun legislation.   Continue reading “2 Colorado Lawmakers Lose Jobs In Recall Over Gun Votes”

The Thinking Moms’ Revolution – by Liam Scheff

In the past three months, two mothers of autistic children have tried to kill those children and then themselves. One succeeded (or failed) halfway: she killed her son, but she lived. The Chicago-area mother stabbed her boy, a very large teen of 200 plus pounds, after a dose of pills failed to do the job in an earlier attempt. The child’s 24-hour caregiver (his godmother) was also involved – she stabbed the family cat. Then both women took a dose of pills intended to put them to sleep permanently and lay down next to him. They left a detailed three-page letter, describing their plight with the severely-disabled and sometimes violent young man. But they didn’t take enough and were revived. Both have been charged with murder.   Continue reading “Vaccines Kill – The Map of Now”

Before It’s News – by Josey Wales

There is much controversy surrounding the Syrian chemical weapon attacks and the roll the United States must play in these attacks.

The majority of Americans are opposed to this military intervention.

Here are 12 myths and facts that all Americans need to understand about  Syria and the roll America is or is not obligated to play in this issue.   Continue reading “12 Hard Facts Dispelling 12 Common Myths About Syria, Know The Truth, Get Involved”

Steve Quayle Alerts

This is what Hornady has to say about their 308 Win 168 gr A-MAX. (Side Bar)”The Sierra Match King 168 is a hollow point boat tail bullet. This sniper round does not act like a normal hollow point bullet. In fact Sierra advises they not be used for hunting as they do not mushroom like normal hollow points. SMK 168 HPBT are good for nailing a target behind heavy glass”.     Continue reading “Avid Long-Range Shooting Enthusiast Addresses the Rounds that the Border Patrol is Seeking”

venezuela power outageOff the Grid News – by Daniel Jennings

A failure of the power grid left 70 percent of the nation of Venezuela without electricity in early September.

Venezuela was the world’s eighth-largest net oil exporter in 2010, and, the same year, had the second-largest natural gas reserves in the Western Hemisphere.   Continue reading “Power Grid Failure Leaves 70 Percent Of Venezuela In The Dark”

Military Test Of Microwave Weapon Successfully Knocks Out ElectronicsGodfather Politics – by Dave Jolly

We’ve all been hearing stories of weapons that could send out an impulse or signal that would destroy electronic equipment without destroying buildings or injuring people (unless they are connected to electrically operated lifesaving equipment or have a pacemaker).  Once thought to be the subject of science fiction, they are in fact real and have been successfully tested.   Continue reading “Military Test Of Microwave Weapon Successfully Knocks Out Electronics”

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: More diversions, more confusion, more babel. What do you expect? We have stated over and over again the end times deception is working in over drive. First it looks like WWIII is imminent and then it backs off. Politicians make one statement only for it to be contradicted in the next sentence. One of our commenter’s called it the “Confusion Matrix“. In the meantime we have sites across the Internet buzzing with hype of imminent world war. This is creating an atmosphere where those who are awake are being worn down and desensitized by it. We all need to turn to God’s Word where we can find real truth. God has laid it all out for us, what will happen in Syria and Iran. In addition we have written about it over and over again. It is written Damascus will fall and it shall (Isaiah 17:1). Iran will be broken shortly after (Daniel 8).    Continue reading “Prime Time Speech: Obama Calls off Congress on Syrian Attack Vote, Earliest Strike Mid-October”