Missouri House Overrides Jay Nixon's Veto, votes to Nullify Federal Gun ControlTenth Amendment Center – by Michael Boldin

UPDATE 8:20pm CST: The Senate Override vote, of 22-12, failed by 1. 23 votes were needed to concur with the house and override the veto.   

Jefferson City, Mo (September 11, 2013) – Today, the Missouri State House of Representatives sent more than just a message, they passed would could arguably be the strongest state-level protection of the right to keep and bear arms in modern times. The vote was 109-49   Continue reading “Override: Missouri House Votes to Nullify Federal Gun Control”

ENE News

Xinhua, Sept. 11, 2013: […] “TEPCO can no longer effectively clean, filter and store the massive amounts of radioactive water on its site. At some point in the near future — and this may have happened already — the utility will simply resort to emptying its radioactive tanks into the Pacific Ocean,” [Shoji Tsurumi, an expert from Japan’s Marine Science & Technology Institute] said. “They will simply run out of other options to store such huge quantities of water.” “Perhaps this is another reason the government is keeping its distance. After all, if the government were to take responsibility for dumping toxic water into the ocean, who would it have to blame when the global backlash came?” Tsurumi said.   Continue reading “Japan Marine Expert: Fukushima radioactive tanks may have already been emptied into Pacific Ocean”

Photo - Washington Examiner – by Byron York

On Tuesday, the chief human resources officers of more than 100 large corporations sent a letter to House Speaker John Boehner and Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi urging quick passage of a comprehensive immigration reform bill.

The officials represent companies with a vast array of business interests: General Electric, The Walt Disney Company, Marriott International, Hilton Worldwide, Hyatt Hotels Corporation, McDonald’s Corporation, The Wendy’s Company, Coca-Cola, The Cheesecake Factory, Johnson & Johnson, Verizon Communications, Hewlett-Packard, General Mills, and many more. All want to see increases in immigration levels for low-skill as well as high-skill workers, in addition to a path to citizenship for the millions of immigrants currently in the U.S. illegally.   Continue reading “Companies lay off thousands, then demand immigration reform for new labor”

Image from facebook.com/Rethink911RT News

The 12th anniversary of the September 11 terror attacks are slated to be a less than solemn affair, as protests, counter-protests and a ‘Rethink 9/11’ ad campaign have all been scheduled to capitalize on the sacrosanct day in the US calendar.

From a 54-foot billboard in Times Square asking Americans to reconsider 9/11 to a ‘Million Muslim March’, this year’s anniversary of twin tower attacks stands out as potentially the most controversial on record.   Continue reading “Hijacking 9/11: Protests, ad blitz set for 12th anniversary of attacks”

Buzz Feed Politics – by Susannah George

A young researcher whose opinions on Syria were cited by both Senator McCain and Secretary of State John Kerry in congressional testimony last week has been fired from the Institute for the Study of War for allegedly faking her academic credentials.

The institute issued a statement on its website concerning the researcher, Elizabeth O’Bagy:   Continue reading “Controversial Syria Researcher Fired Over Doctorate Claim”

NYPD personnel in Manhattan, New York. The Ugly Truth

A drug crew strictly observed the Jewish Sabbath each week while dealing prescription painkillers, heroin and other drugs in New York City, authorities said Tuesday in announcing charges against five men.

Investigators cited mass text messages sent to customers warning them to get their orders in before sundown Friday or else wait until after sundown Saturday.   Continue reading “Orthodox Jewish drug dealers nabbed by NY police”

Freedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

On Sunday, Congressman and criminal ethics violator Charlie Rangel (D-NY) renewed his call to reinstate the national draft, just ahead of votes on war with Syria. The New York representative argued that a vote should be held on mandatory military service before a decision is made to attack Syria.

“I truly believe we should have a National Draft Act before the Congress acts,” Rangel told MSNBC.   Continue reading “Democrat Charlie Rangel Calls for National Draft Ahead of War Vote on Syria”

Video Rebel’s Blog

I have been writing about a potential war against Iran and Syria for several years even though I have always said there would be no war as most have imagined it would be. I have noted with interest the resistance of the US military to the suicidal warmongering of the Bankers who think they own the government.

The American Empire was given to the American Branch of our Banker Occupied Government. They had accepted the mantle of enforcer for the World Council, an interlocking board of controlling interest which includes the Rothschild network, the British royal family, the Black Nobility and their associates. The Black Nobility refers to the nobles of Europe who sided with William of Orange, the Dutch Prince who became King of England and Ireland. He brought fractional reserve banking from the Netherlands. This system had previously ruined the people of Venice in 1348 but the Bankers escaped and moved to Holland.   Continue reading “A Crashing Dollar Is Designed To End The American Empire”


I decided after taking as much “Pepto-Bismol” as I could to actually listen to the criminal US President’s speech to the American public tonight….. It was a good thing that I took that stomach antacid, because the lies were coming out of this criminal’s mouth so fast and furiously that I honestly wanted to puke…  What was said was some of the worse bullcrap lies and falsehoods about Syria that anyone could imagine!   Continue reading “The Upcoming War On Syria: Dissecting The Criminal US President’s September 10th, 2013 Speech To The American People..”

 From a KATC viewerPeople are starting to wake up.


Lafayette police are trying to find out who placed two cardboard cutout images of crashing planes at the 9-11 Memorial in downtown Lafayette.

The 3D graffiti was apparently placed at the monument overnight. Police say they are in the process of removing it.   Continue reading “Graffiti of crashing planes placed on downtown 9-11 monument”

Capital New York- by AZI PAYBARAH, September 9, 2013

One day before New Yorkers vote in a pair of primary elections, New York City Police Commissioner challenged the mayoral candidates to say what role the city’s police department should play “in protecting New York from global terrorism.”

“I can tell you that none of the candidates has requested a briefing from the department on this topic,” said Kelly, at a breakfast hosted by the Association for a Better New York and the Council on Foreign Relations in Manhattan.   Continue reading “Ray Kelly poses some counterterrorism questions to the mayoral candidates”

9813ray.jpgGothamist – by Christopher Robins

NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly attended a farewell speech for outgoing Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano on Friday, raising further speculation that he may be a top choice to succeed her. But it wasn’t just Kelly’s presence that rekindled the belief that the Obama administration is seriously considering the commissioner for the post: Vice President Joe Biden gave Kelly a fist bump on his way from the lectern, which just a few years ago, might have attracted attention from the NYPD’s Demographics Unit.   Continue reading “Biden Gives Ray Kelly Fist-Bump At Homeland Security Speech”

Offspectrum with James Farganne

As I was in New York City on 9-11-01, lived through the trauma of that event and its aftermath, and later learned that it was perpetrated by Mossad in tandem with a domestic bunch of zionist dickhead traitorous scumbags (Cheney et. al.), I would like to commemorate the 12th anniversary of that event by dealing the elite money power – which plans, funds, and executes all such false-flag, black magic events – a good, hard kick in the nuts.   Continue reading ““It’s the usury, stupid!” — Understanding the Modern Money Con”

basswoodWillow Haven Outdoor – by Creek Stewart

Now is a good time to go out and flag the following five trees before the leaves drop (except the pine).  Revisit them in the winter and learn how to ID them by the bark alone.  Then again in the Spring with the buds and new leaves.   Continue reading “6 Trees Every Survivalist Should Know & Why”