Chicago CBS Local

NAPERVILLE (CBS) – Two Naperville mothers were arrested Wednesday, after they tried to block utility workers from installing new “smart meters.”

CBS 2’s Dana Kozlov reports one of those women was released from custody late Wednesday afternoon, the other was still in custody, but should be released soon.

Their arrests were the culmination of a two-year battle against “smart meter” installation in Naperville. Continue reading “Two Naperville Women Arrested After Trying To Block ‘Smart Meters’”

WND – by Aaron Klein

JERUSALEM – During the Senate hearing on Benghazi yesterday, outgoing Secretary of State Hillary Clinton claimed she did not know whether the U.S. special mission attacked on Sept. 11 was involved in gun-running.

The remarks were perhaps the most important and telling of the entire hearing since they address a possible motive behind the jihadist attacks. Continue reading “Media Ignore Hillary’s Bombshell Benghazi Claim”

RT News

North Korea has announced it’s about to carry out a third nuclear test and more long-range rocket launches, which it says are designed to target the United States.

We are not disguising the fact that the various satellites and long-range rockets that we will fire and the high-level nuclear test we will carry out are aimed at the United States,” North Korea’s National Defense Commission says. Continue reading “North Korea plans new nuclear test, threatens to target US”

Continue reading “CEO of JPMorgan says you don’t need to know how banking works, it’s like an airliner engine, too complex to explain, just shut up and pay us.”

National Review – by Celia Bigelow & Aubrey Blankenship

Sorry, President Obama. As young women, we prefer an AR-15 “assault” rifle with a 30-round magazine for self-defense.

In fact, we wouldn’t want to be stuck at home without one. In the wake of mass murders like Sandy Hook and the horrific rapes and murders of thousands of women each year, pepper spray, mace, or five-round handheld pistols aren’t going to cut it. Continue reading “Why Young Women Want AR-15s”

AmmoLand – by Marion P. Hammer

Florida – -( Imagine a grandfather who wants to give a family shotgun to his 12-year-old grandson having to do a background check on his grandson before giving him the shotgun.

Or a friend having to do a background check on his lifetime best buddy before lending him a hunting rifle. Continue reading “‘Universal Background Checks’ – Absolutely Not”


Gilbert, AZ –-( Knife Rights Bill Introduced in Kansas: Kansas State Representative Richard Carlson has introduced a Knife Rights requested bill, HB2033, that would enact Knife Law Preemption and repeal the Kansas ban on Switchblades, Dirks, Daggers and Stilettos. Continue reading “Knife Rights Bill Filed in Kansas – Indiana Bill Advances”


The Washington campaign to control guns moves into high gear tomorrow when Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the author of the nation’s original “assault” gun ban in the 1990s, announces her new proposal to fingerprint, photograph and investigate Americans who already have weapons.

Her office told the Washington Times she will hold a press conference Thursday. Her original ban, which existed from 1994 until 2004, was not renewed by Congress after law enforcement agencies, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation, testified it was ineffective in cutting crime. Continue reading “It’s on! Feinstein unveiling gun-grab plan”

Infowars – Kurt Nimmo

A Missouri Democrat wants to force parents to inform school officials of firearms ownership.

“We are not trying to take away anyone’s gun, period,” State Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal told KMOV in St. Louis. “We’re not even asking what kind of gun you have. We want the school district to be able to say, ‘you know what, there are some really terrible things going on right now,’ and we need to be able to talk to the parent that we know they have a gun and make sure that there is security, that this gun is stored securely.” Continue reading “Missouri Law Will Force Gun Owners to Register with Schools”

Miami Herald

MIAMI — Miami-Dade police are warning residents that military helicopters may be buzzing their neighborhoods sometime soon.

But it’s no reason to panic. Police said Monday that multiple agencies will be providing support for a joint military training exercise somewhere in the area. Continue reading “Miami police announce military training exercise”

New York Daily News – by ROCCO PARASCANDOLA

Get ready for scan-and-frisk.

The NYPD will soon deploy new technology allowing police to detect guns carried by criminals without using the typical pat-down procedure, Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said Wednesday.

The department just received a machine that reads terahertz — the natural energy emitted by people and inanimate objects — and allows police to view concealed weapons from a distance. Continue reading “NYPD Commissioner says department will begin testing a new high-tech device that scans for concealed weapons”

Business Insider – by Geoffrey Ingersoll

A 31-year-old mob boss died today under a “hail of bullets,” quite possibly in retaliation for the assassination of Aslan “Grandpa Khasan” Usoyan Jan. 16.

Astamur Guliya, a recently “made” mafioso, was leaving a restaurant in Georgia when a silver Mercedes pulled up and gunmen opened fire. His death comes only a week following the assassination of Usoyan, who was killed when a sniper wielding a “military rifle” shot him in the neck. Continue reading “Mafia War Brewing As Second Russian Mob Boss Falls In Drive-By Shooting”

Gizmodo by Andrew Tarantola

Snipers are among the most valuable assets a military can deploy in battle and have become a pillar of modern US counterinsurgency tactics. While mile-and-a-half-long shots are possible, they’re not all that common. But with DARPA’s new One Shot XG scope system, any ol’ Killroy will be able to accurately fire an M24 up to a mile. Continue reading “DARPA’s Super Sniper Scope Is the World’s Deadliest Range-Finder”

Israeli King Benjamin Netanyahu narrowly won reelection to his post as Prime Minister.  Benny had planned a hard right wing regime with an emphasis on further settlements upon the lands of the Palestinians.  It is being said now, however, that he will have a tough row to hoe in implementing his plan.  Could it be that the people of Israel have seen the writing on the wall and realized that Benny is and has been leading them into extremely dangerous waters?

It has actually been quite quiet here in the United States in reference to Israel as of late.  Could it be that a part of the awakening that has led to one consecutive month after another of record gun and ammunition sales includes the realization as to what Zionism is? Continue reading “Netanyahu on the Ropes Following Israeli Election”

Fellowship of Minds – by Dr. Eowyn

Laura and Nick Phelps are parents of two children who are among the students who survived the Dec. 14, 2012 massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut.

Or so they claim.

In the video below, beginning at the 1:34 mark, CNN’s Wolf Blitzer is interviewing the Phelps about slain Sandy Hook school principal Dawn Hochsprung. Continue reading “More evidence that Sandy Hook parent Laura Phelps is actress Jennifer Sexton”


There are few guarantees in life, but this much we can say with certainty: The sun rises in the east, death comes to us all, and you will — at one time or another — suddenly find yourself in the midst of a blazing fight with your girlfriend without even realizing it.

Many of us have been there. One minute you’re having a conversation, maybe a minor argument, but that’s OK; it’s all under control. Then you say something — a word or passing comment, something relatively harmless, or so you think — and it sets her off. As soon as it leaves your lips, the air changes, and there’s no easy way back. Continue reading “10 Things Never to Say to a Woman”