The masquerading being perpetrated by the neo-cons in pretending to be Tea Partiers and just regular folks is becoming more obvious every day.  I think the elitists realize that it just might be that Ron Paul cannot be stopped.  This being said, how much do you think they would be willing to spend to have an advocate for their money and power in the White House and close to President Paul?

Once again Rand Paul is coming forth to advocate the neo-con position and by God I’m going to address him today.  Rand Paul is pushing for an end to corporate taxation, identifying the corporate elite as the job creators, saying if we only will deregulate the corporations and make them pay zero tax they will offer us jobs.
Continue reading “Rand Paul the Manchurian Son”

The mainstream propagandists are saying the poverty rate has risen to 16.1%, which like every other number put out by the government, cannot be true as the calculation does not stand up to logic.  Statistics show that 15% of the population is getting food stamps and it is a fact that there are millions in this country who qualify for food stamps and refuse to get them.

When we are told that the unemployment rate is at 9.2% but the real number is actually 15% in the same breath, and then we look for ourselves and find that the true number is 28%, how can we think any number coming out of the corporate owned government can be relied upon?
Continue reading “16.1% Poverty in the US – The Cause and Effect”

American people, how do you feel about your hard earned tax dollars going to pay for incarceration of illegal immigrants? The problem is so out of hand in Texas that the state is asking the government to carry the burden. Texas cannot afford the costly expense to house these criminals any longer.

The sad part is most of these people  are drug cartel, and they are committing such vulgar crimes such as murder, drug trafficking, and people smuggling, and they get caught more than once before, something is finally done to punish them. The first felony they commit is crossing our borders illegally.
Continue reading “Taxpayers Beware!! – The Cost of Illegal Immigration”

Well as expected the mainstream media is trying to interpret the CNN debate as an exclusive for Rick Perry and Mitt Romney, which is A-OK with me.  I love watching these two jerks step up center stage and argue the question as to who is sleazier.  I think these early propaganda pieces have been designed to bring forth the treason both have committed and get the people used to listening to it before the campaign commercials start.

Mitt Romney is a plastic socialist with a long history of catering to the corporate elite and the kosher mafia he serves, and it was kind of fun watching Rick Perry try to explain why he signed an unconstitutional executive order to force 10 – 12 year old girls to take the Gardasil shot, which is supposed to protect women from cervical cancer that is sexually transmitted.  So is he a pedophile or did he force these girls to take this shot for his elitist buddies in the pharmaceutical industry that created it?
Continue reading “Rick Perry and Mitt Romney – End Famine in Somalia – Feed Them the Corporate Elite”

It has been two weeks since the August job report came out wherein for the first time since 1945, zero jobs were created.  So what has our faithful government done to address this clear and present danger to our Republic?  Not one damn thing.  I know you socialist pigs out there are going to say President Barack Obama has brought forth a bold new jobs plan that is going to make everything all right again.  Horse doo doo.

All Barry the Rat has accomplished is having his opening campaign speech, outlining the rhetoric he intends to parrot up to 2012, introduced before a joint session of Congress.  And all this big bold plan equates to is more of the same old shit, which will be countered by the neo-cons with more of their same old shit.  The fact is jobs are not going to be created because the whole idea is to cripple our economy to the point that we will compete at the work site for food.
Continue reading “Same Old Obama’s New Jobs Plan Different Day”

The Tea Party hijackers held their debate on CNN.  These neo-con national socialists will happily take the Social Security and Medicare and spend that money in forcing corporate dictates in foreign countries under the guise of emancipating women.  All but one of the candidates catered to the Tea Party hijacker neo-cons, which only represent 20% of the top 10% of the wealthiest.  They represent a minute minority.

The true Tea Partiers are nameless and faceless as they are either unemployed and can’t afford it, or too busy working to organize into groups that can get dressed up in $1,000 suits and attend a propaganda debate.

The 2012 election is not going to be decided by the neo-con Tea Party hijackers.  It is going to be decided by the American people of the American race who want our Republic back under our Constitution apart from the rest of the world with freedom and liberty and a return to prosperity.
Continue reading “CNN’s Tea Party Debate- Ron Paul Wins Individual Majority Vote”

Don’t you think it’s strange that we cry and remember 9/11 and all the people who died, especially the children, but yet NO one remembers the people, including the children, that were burned to death in Waco Texas by our OWN Government? Can anyone explain why this is?

David Koresh (originally named Vernon Howell) and his followers and some children had set up a base in Waco, Texas. Some members were recruited from as far away as Australia. Claiming to be Christ, Koresh claimed to have a special interpretation of the mysterious seven seals described in the Bible’s Book of Revelation.
Continue reading “WACO – 85 Innocent Men, Women and Children Murdered”

Citizens in Milford, Massachusetts are calling for a crackdown on illegal immigration after an illegal from Ecuador ran down and drug to death one of their fellow citizen while driving drunk.  Apparently this illegal alien had been stopped several times previously for driving under the influence.  At a town meeting held later on that week there was a gentleman from the Ecuadorian Consul present who had come forth to justify illegal immigration from Ecuador.

The aforementioned young man was the third citizen in that community to be killed by an illegal alien.  What in the hell is going on in this country?  If this invader from Ecuador had been deported the first time he was stopped for being drunk behind the wheel, the young American would still be alive.  But then I guess American lives are inconsequential in the equation as it seems that Americans just do not count when it comes to allowing foreigners to flood over our borders and take everything we have worked for for 235 years.
Continue reading “Another American Killed by an Illegal Insurgent”

Hopefully things will get back to normal today, whatever the hell that means.  Please do not let today be the day after the 10th Anniversary of 9/11, to be followed by two days after the 10th Anniversary, and so on.  What we have just witnessed was nothing short of a weeklong commercial.  If you have ever watched the Military Channel, a lot of what you see in reference to modern weaponry consists of presentations put together by defense contractors, displaying their newest products, which unfortunately for us, are designed to spy on and kill the citizen.

With our country in bankruptcy, every expenditure is being intensely scrutinized by the public, especially those who have become gluttonous in sucking up our resources and taking away our freedoms and liberties.  Homeland Security is unconstitutional, just like the BATF, FEMA, the FBI, and every other KGB style federal agency.  If we step back and look at how this police state was created it is plain to see that we are paying top dollar for our own enslavement.
Continue reading “American People of the American Race, Socialism is Knocking on Our Door”

Egyptian protesters tore down a wall around the Israel Embassy in Cairo Friday.  I guess this democratic movement is taking shape pretty much as predicted.  Now that the voice of the Egyptian people is being heard, the message is clear in that they want to end peaceful relations with and denounce Israel.  Now that the puppet dictatorship, which had been financed by the United States for the benefit of Israel, has been removed, radical Islam is now dominating Egypt and the same is true in Tunisia, Libya, and Syria.

Our CIA, working hand in hand with the Israeli Mossad, has now managed to cause a general destabilization in the Middle East and Northern Africa.  Not only we at From the Trenches, but many others have predicted that this would be the case.  Today the Pakistanis are headed down the same path and all the Middle Eastern, North African countries are coming into step with Iran in returning to their Islamic roots.
Continue reading “Is World War III being Orchestrated by the US and Israel?”