13 thoughts on “Permit Denied! Route Kept Secret as 2 Million Bikers Will Ride on Washington D.C. 9/11/13

  1. I wouldn’t want to be a copper at work that day with 2 million bikers on tour, all it will take is one incident and you get a war on the streets lol

    Even us scooterboys from over here in the UK have been known to bloody the nose of a local force, 1990 saw 60 police officers seriously injured at Margate scooter rally where a heavy handed old bill waded into a bunch of happy but drunken skinheads and scooterboys and Margate saw a pitched battle between police and people that lasted more than two hours.

  2. Instead of focusing their hatred on the Muslim men march, these fools ought to go storming into Capitol Hill and start raising hell with their Congress critters, but they wouldn’t get any Jew funding for that activity.

    1. For your information, every rider I know has written their rep’s/senators, repeatedly. This ride has two goals: to commemorate the fallen in the GWOT and, as a counter-protest to that of the Islamists and left-wing communist sympathizers – as a guaranteed expression of our 1st Amendment Rights.

      In fact, the denial of our permit to ride together will prove to be a big mistake, as we’ll be coming through the city from any/all directions and stopped at every traffic light to “rev & roar” in protest to the aforementioned permit-denial. Yep. Big mistake, as we’ll now be protesting as individuals – an act impossible to stop (legally and constitutionally). Imagine hundreds of thousands of middle fingers, extended together (yet, individually) to the powers that be AND the Jihadist a$$holes who’ve come to our nation’s capital to protest . . . America!

      The biker community is one of the most patriotic “groups” of Americans you’ll find and, for all intents and purposes, speak with one voice, nationally. I challenge you to find another voting block (with the possible exception of veterans & firearms enthusiasts/pro-2A groups) that’s as large and as politically unified.

      God bless America. She needs it now, more than ever!

      1. To get a true view, you need to know the whole story.
        AE911Truth http://www.ae911truth.org/ first announced their multi-country campaign to come forth on 9/11 to show that it was physically impossible for building 7 to come down as it was structurally undamaged and to further prove that the twin towers likewise could not have come down as they did, except through demolition.
        The criminals in our government, still fighting to keep this false flag under cover, then got their commie cohorts into action. And viola. All of the sudden there are a million Muslims, also being identified as truthers, who will march in an effort to change the truth event into a Muslim event in order to get people like you to show up to further bury the truth AE911Truth is trying to get out and make a truth event into a bikers vs Muslims bullshit event.

      2. Just a side note there, Patriot-Rider.

        Muslims/Islam are/is NOT the enemy.

        THAT would be the Zionist AshkeNAZI so-called ‘jews’.

        Gotta get past the smoke & mirrors.

        AND the banana in the tailpipe.

        1. Uh, yeah. Sure they are!

          After all, it’s the Jews who rape men as humiliation. It’s Jews who behead young girls/women cuz they “asked” to be raped. It’s Jews who use chemical agents on civilians (now there’s a False Flag attack if ever I heard of one!). It’s Jews who use corporal punishment for minor crimes (caning people who chew gum, chopping off hands for theft, on and on). It’s Jews who mutilate their women because Allah doesn’t want females to feel pleasure, lest they become whores. Right?

          Yeah. Silly me! What WAS I thinking?!?

          There are indeed unanswered questions about who/what/how on 9/11. But, to say that Islamist-Jihadists are not the enemy of all Western Civilization is utter lunacy.

          No. That DOES NOT mean I believe in Obama’s actions in the ME, nor does it mean I believe we should stick our noses in other nations’ business. But, it sure as hell doesn’t mean I’m an ignorant fool, either. Have you read the list of DEMANDS the “peaceful protestors” are going to advocate? (By the way, what does “peace” mean in Islam? Do you even know? No. I didn’t think so!)

          I posted in this blog’s comment-section because the counter-demonstration we’ll be participating in tomorrow was being misrepresented – my brother’s being portrayed as misguided and ignorant – all of which is hogwash. If this is just another “US is bad. Islam is good” moronic blog-site, I’ll be on my way, post haste. Lord knows, I’ve got better things to do that educate those who refuse to BE educated (in reality).

          Lastly, the US is on shaky ground and in the gravest peril its ever known. But, that threat comes from within – let there be no doubt. And let there be no doubt, if you think Progressives are in bed with Islamists because they’re the good guys, you need to re-acuaint yourself with the Persian philosophy regarding the “enemy of my enemy”.

          The enemy? Western Civilization in general and America/Americans in particular! Both Prog’s and Jihadists will work together until Constitutional-minded Americans are gone. then, they’ll turn on each-other! You can take that to the bank!

          Jews want to see the US fall? GTFO’a here! That’s so retarded it’s not even funny!

          1. Obviously you haven`t been here very long have you Patriot-Rider. #1 does know what he is talking about as well as many others here. Them isrealis are the dirty ones getting every one to buy into their bs. Yea Netanyahoo can go suck on a raw egg that weasle rat.

          2. O.K., schools in session, so pay attention.

            There was a country long ago in what is now Russia called Khazaria. They were a pagan nation, surrounded by Christian and Muslim nations, and in 742 A.D., the Khazarian emperor decided to convert the entire country to Judaism.

            The majority of those liars calling themselves ‘jews’ over in Israhell are nothing more than descendants of those Khazarian CONVERTS, known as Ashkenazi (which I ALWAYS capitalize on the last four letters, and for good reason) ‘jews’. They are no more descended from the Hebrews than the Eskimos are.

            Did you know that the (so-called) ‘jews’ have been kicked out of 72 countries in the last 200 years? Are we to believe that EVERY LAST ONE of those countries were wrong and that the poor, persecuted ‘jews’ (so-called) were doing nothing deserving of getting them booted?

            I suppose you still believe that Hitler murdered 6 million ‘jews’? Given the fact that there were ONLY 11 million ‘jews’ (so-called) in the entire world at the time, anyone gullible enough to believe that MORE than half the world’s ‘jews’ (s-c) were living close enough to Germany for Hitler to have exterminated them is clueless as to the TRUE nature of the world. Still stuck in the matrix, many of them will be FEMA fodder.

            The TRUE perpetrators behind the NWO are the Zionists, of which a good number are self-proclaimed so-called ‘jews’. Mossad is the worst terrorist organization in the world. The Zionist AshkeNAZI so-called ‘jews’ have created false flag ops that they’ve blamed on the Muslims, to demonize them, as well as to divert suspicion from themselves. It’s their stock-in-trade, and it has served them well over the centuries.

            Now, you can either research what I’ve told you here (as any intelligent person would do), or you can call b.s., and stay stuck on stupid. I really don’t give a rat’s @ss either way, because i KNOW I speak the absolute TRUTH, as anyone who’s taken the red pill can verify.

            btw, this is a crock – “US is bad. Islam is good”.

            The first half of that phrase is absolutely correct – IF you’re talking about the traitorous communist so-called ‘government’, NOT we patriots/nationals.

            The second half, however, is pure cr@p, and I challenge you to show me ANYWHERE on this site where such an asinine claim has been made.

            School’s out.

          3. That history/reality lesson was on the house, NC. I went easy on him because he’s new here, but that’s his one free pass on the subject.

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