Pfizer CEO says a THIRD Covid vaccine dose will be needed as soon as six months after someone receives two shots – and then people will be vaccinated annually

Daily  Mail

Pfizer Inc’s CEO says he believes people will ‘likely’ need a third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.

During a panel discussion hosted by CNBC in conjunction with CVS Health that aired on Thursday, Albert Bourla said a potential booster shot would be administered six to 12 months of being fully vaccinated.  

Bourla added that he thinks it is possible that people will need to be immunized against coronavirus annually.

‘There are vaccines that are like polio that one dose is enough…and there are vaccines like flu than you need every year,’ he said.

‘The Covid virus looks more like the influenza virus than the polio virus.’

Recently, updated from clinical trials showed that the Pfizer vaccine was more than 90 effective at preventing COVID-19 six months after the second dose.

However, more data is needed to determine if protection lasts beyond six months.

‘It is extremely important to suppress the pool of people that can be susceptible to the virus,’ Bourla said during the segment, which was taped April 1.

Earlier on Thursday, Dr David Kessler, the Biden administration’s chief science officer of COVID response, said that Americans should expect to receive booster shots, especially as variant continue to spread.

‘We are studying the durability of the antibody response,’ he said during testimony before the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Response.

Read the rest here:


6 thoughts on “Pfizer CEO says a THIRD Covid vaccine dose will be needed as soon as six months after someone receives two shots – and then people will be vaccinated annually

  1. cash cow

    odd statement, ‘It is extremely important to suppress the pool of people that can be susceptible to the virus,’

  2. I will not be taking any “vaccine”, so Pfizer can take their toxic concoction and inject it straight up their a$$!

  3. It is not a vaccine, it is an experimental biological agent. The FDA has NOT approved this EBA, it only has emergency use authorization. It takes 10 years minimum to actually develop a vaxx, the fact that it has been rushed and animal tests have been skipped over is very concerning. If you want to see the fallout from this EBA, go over to and see the consistent disturbing reports of people dropping like flies from this EBA. Yet people think that hand sanitizer, masks, and toilet paper is going to save them from the boogeyman C-1984, that’s a special kind of stupid that I can’t address here. What you’re actually seeing is the beginning of the fall of the United States and the rise of the corporation. This is the ushering in of The Great Reset. Another reason I will pass on this EBA is the fact that there is NO recourse if it kills or permanently injures someone. No liability for any injury or death caused by this EBA. In other words you are ABSOLUTELY on your own if you take the jab, which means guess who’s NOT going to be held accountable? That’s right, your government. Congratulations.

  4. Yeah, no financial motivation here people, move along, and go take “Your” shot, Wear “Your” mask and trust “Your” Government and it’s Corporate Masters….

    Ha ha ha,…. So, will be nice when they actually prove COVID-19 Exists with the Isolated Virus, then I can go collect that Qtr Million Euros being offered for such actual, verified evidence…!

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