Photographer Arrested by NYPD for Taking Pictures

NYPD (Photo: Randall Thomas)IntelliHub

According to the video evidence an “incompetent” police officer approached the camera wielding citizen Thomas, telling him, “You are making a lot of people uncomfortable… I got another 8 hours, I’ll follow you all around town. That’s not a crime”.  

Thomas replied, “No it’s not a crime, but it’s a waste of tax payer dollars”.

After a brief conversation with the police, Thomas was then arrested.

This goes to show that America is now almost equivalent to the former Nazi Germany style police state.


One thought on “Photographer Arrested by NYPD for Taking Pictures

  1. It is perfectly legal to photograph cops on duty and the pig in the video was aware of that. So he arrests the guy and, no doubt will come up with some bogus charge. Cops are getting nervous though and damned well should be expecting pay back for all the “upstanding” police work that’s smeared across the headlines on a daily basis.

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