Police Officers Spray Fake Blood on themselves during Philadelphia Shooting 8/14/2019

Published on Aug 14, 2019

Its just a typical gang related incident, it’ll be off the news tomorrow. Media just needs to latch onto any little event to distract from Epstein. Even the most brainwashed zombie can see that Epstein wasn’t a suicide. This clip is contains some questionable content, showing officers spraying what people claim to be iodine (which officers don’t carry on them), without bandaging the wound and applying a tourniquet. Just hopping into a car and being released from the hospital in under an hour later, after being “shot.”

“SIX COPS SHOT” sounds catchy to put at the main story for a night, and so… they put it as the main headline for that night, regardless of whether or not six cops were shot. If you don’t know who owns the media by now (you can literally look it up) I’ll give you a hint: EpSTEIN. What will be the headline TONIGHT? “‘]EWISH BILLIONAIRE (who mysteriously gained his wealth having never been employed his entire life), WITH CONNECTIONS TO THE WORLD’S ELITE, AND RAN A GLOBAL PEDOPHILE RING, ASSASSINATED WHILE IN A MAXIMUM SECURITY PRISON” Doubt it.

5 thoughts on “Police Officers Spray Fake Blood on themselves during Philadelphia Shooting 8/14/2019

  1. ‘ Media just needs to latch onto any little event to distract from Epstein.’

    and epstein is to detract from the invasion

  2. Yup
    I knew it was bullshit
    And I’m pretty sure I called it out as such ,right here on FTTWR

    Anyone still lending credibility to any of these fcks in power, governments or law enforcement
    Needs to have their head examined

    Long live the R e v o l u t i on

  3. Trolls trying to say its iodine. yeah right you don’t just put iodine on a gunshot wound. In your face fakery. That’s what this is.

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