Police Raid 90-Year Old Woman’s Home Apparently By Accident

CBS Miami – by Eliott Rodriguez

RIVIERA BEACH (CBSMiami) — A 90-year old’s home was destroyed by police conducting a raid but it appears they got the wrong house.

The elderly woman shared her story of terror and what police are doing to clean up the mess.

She’s called Riviera Beach home for 25 years, but back on December 18th around 1 p.m., the 90-year-old woman, who asked not to be identified, had some uninvited guests.  

“I don’t know how the cops got in here. The noise woke me up when something said boom! Like a bomb or something,” said the 90-year old.

There was shattered glass, a busted door, and traces of a flash bang device.

Riviera Beach Police said after evidence of criminal activity, they got a search warrant.

“Cops standing over here talking about where’s the drugs? I said what? What drugs? Ain’t no drugs in here,” she said.

Police searched the home with drug sniffing dogs but came up empty-handed.

“I’ve never been arrested, never been in jail,” said the 90-year old.

Riviera Beach Police said the search warrant was executed at the correct address and while the resident may not have had any knowledge of drugs being sold from her home, it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.

The department has since put up temporary repairs and has decided to pay for new windows and doors.

The resident is supposed to get a new door later this week – and new windows by February 28th.


2 thoughts on “Police Raid 90-Year Old Woman’s Home Apparently By Accident

  1. This should only be viewed for what it is, an act of domestic terrorism.
    And that is what we have now — terrorists parading around in uniforms destroying innocent people

    This woman deserves a lot more than a new door and window.
    Make them pay! I say 20 million should do!

  2. It’s typical of the morons in blue, but I’d like to know what evidence was used to issue a search warrant here.

    Did some anonymous tipster call up and say “the old lady’s got the good stuff” and then bingo; a flash-bang grenade goes off in the living room and a poor old woman is terrorized while her house is destroyed?

    “Swatting” people is now a prank among kids because apparently no-knock warrants are issued on the flimsiest of “evidence”, so launching these attacks carried out by mentally-challenged cops is becoming a game.

    The game won’t be stopped until a lot of cops are killed, because it also serves the purpose of beating the population into submission, and teaching them to fear their government. It won’t be stopped until police are afraid to do it.

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