Pope says Catholics don’t have to breed ‘like rabbits’

Pope FrancisCTV News – by Nicole Winfield

Pope Francis is firmly upholding church teaching banning contraception, but said Monday that Catholics don’t have to breed “like rabbits” and should instead practice “responsible parenting.”

Speaking to reporters en route home from the Philippines, Francis said there are plenty of church-approved ways to regulate births. But he said most importantly, no outside institution should impose its views on regulating family size, blasting what he called the “ideological colonization” of the developing world.  

African bishops, in particular, have long complained about how progressive, Western ideas about birth control and gay rights are increasingly being imposed on the developing world by groups, institutions or individual nations, often as a condition for development aid.

“Every people deserves to conserve its identity without being ideologically colonized,” Francis said.

The pope’s comments, taken together with his defence of the Catholic Church’s ban on artificial contraception during the trip, signal that he is increasingly showing his more conservative bent, which has largely been ignored by public opinion or obscured by a media narrative that has tended to highlight his populist persona.

On the trip, Francis gave his strongest defence yet of the 1968 encyclical Humanae Vitae, which enshrined the church’s opposition to artificial birth control. He warned against “insidious attacks” against the family — a reference to gay marriage proposals — echoing language often used by overwhelmingly conservative U.S. bishops. And he insisted that “openness to life is a condition of the sacrament of matrimony.”

At the same time, however, he said it’s not true that to be a good Catholic “you have to be like rabbits.” On the contrary, he said “responsible parenthood” requires that couples regulate the births of their children, as church teaching allows. He cited the case of a woman he met who was pregnant with her eighth child after seven Cesarean sections.

“That is an irresponsibility!” he said. The woman might argue that she should trust in God. “But God gives you methods to be responsible,” he said.

He said there are many “licit” ways of regulating births that are approved by the church, an apparent reference to the Natural Family Planning method of monitoring a woman’s cycle to avoid intercourse when she is ovulating.

During the Vatican’s recent meeting on the family, African bishops denounced how aid groups and lending institutions often condition their assistance on a country’s compliance with their ideals: allowing health care workers to distribute condoms, or withdrawing assistance if legislation discriminating against gays is passed.

“When imposed conditions come from imperial colonizers, they search to make people lose their own identity and make a sameness,” he said. “This is ideological colonization.”

Read more: http://www.ctvnews.ca/world/pope-says-catholics-don-t-have-to-breed-like-rabbits-1.2196591#ixzz3PNapuEaA

4 thoughts on “Pope says Catholics don’t have to breed ‘like rabbits’

    1. Our Lord said to be fruitful and subdue the earth – contrary to what this pope has said.

      In Issue #80, p.32 & Issue #92, p. 7 of the Fatima Crusader: In the year 2000, when the supposedly total of the 3rd Secret of Fatima was revealed, a Father Dollinger, Jesuit Theologian, Seminary Professor, frequent guest to they Vatican and highly respected, did ask then Cardinal Ratzinger if this was indeed the whole of the 3rd Secret, to which he replied, no – that Our Lady specifically said not to touch the sacraments, nor to tough or make any changes in the Mass, and that an “evil” council would come – Vatican II.

      Many Catholic mystics, stigmatics, saints, and visionaries, have warned that a terrible chastisement is coming very soon to the world and the Church, that the hierarchy of the Church have abandoned the true faith and doctrine of near 2000 years for a worship of man. Blessed Anna Catherine Emmerich, in her revelation in the 19th. century, had a vision of the Pope (i.e.Popes) leading the faithful and the Church away from God, as have many other mystics warned of the “great apostasy” to come in the Church.

      St. Nilus. 5th. c. – St. Hidlegard. 13th. c. – Ven. Mariana de Jesus Torres. 17th. c. – Blessed Anna Catherin Emmerich. 18th. c. – Blessed Elizabeth Mora. 19th. c. – Marie-Julie Jahenny. 19th. c. – and Blessed Elena Aiello. 20th. c. among many others, have all warned that the hierarchy of the Church will attempt to abandon Christ and the faith and following will come a most terrible chastisement to the whole world, civil war – revolution followed by WWIII and to happen very very soon. These and other mystics, stigmatics, saints and visionaries, detail that God will let our enemies punish us severely before He intervenes and turns the tide, so to speak. Cardinal Mario Luigi Ciappi, former personal theologian to three popes, wrote in a letter to Professor Baumgartner, that in the 3rd Secret of Fatima, among other revelations and warnings, that the “great apostasy in the Church will begin at the TOP”.

      The reason that God is going to punish the whole world and especially the Church and its hierarchy, is for their abandonment of God for the worship of a new god, made of our own desires, passions and lusts, a pagan god.

      Suggest you read – all available on line in total.

      – The Plot Against the Church by Maurice Pinay: published in 1962 in Italian, where 12 Vatican Theologian/Historians, while studying the Vatican Archives in the original languages, discovered the largest conspiracy in history, of how many Jews, fake converts to Catholicism “Marranos” have infiltrated the Church and the orders in large numbers, up to the TOP. How these Marranos have become Catholic Cardinals, Bishops, maybe a few recent Popes, Protestant Ministers, Islamic Clerics, Pagan Priests, all in order to destroy all world religions and to establish a One World Satanic Judeo/Freemasonic Dictatorship
      – The prophecies of Elena Aiello (18905-1961) who warned from her visions that Russia will attack and overrun all of Europe and America with her “secret” armies, that whole cities, provinces and some countries will be swallowed up by massive earthquakes and tidal waves. At first Russia wins everywhere until Our Lord then steps in and then “Russia burns”.
      – WW3 Prophecies and Visions from Central Europe.
      – Prophecies of Alois Irimaier.
      – Three Days Darkness: by St. Padre Pio and other saints, this event will force and end to WW3 and kill all remaining enemies of God, His Church (including those within) and of our countries.

      To make somewhat short: Pope Paul VI, John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Francis I are the worst popes in the history of the Church, popes of the heretical Vatican II, with Francis being the worst of all.This Pope is an embarrassment to the Catholic faith, a Marxist – Modernist Pope – he and possibly the few preceding him – will in the future be condemned for what they have done to the Church and to so many souls.

  1. The Poop is a Zionist puppet, regardless of claims that the Jesuits are in charge of the NWO.

    The jews own them all.

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