– Pro-America Patriot rally ongoing – Feds show up dressed as “Nazis” – Patriots force Feds out of rally – Unmask the Feds, who PANIC – The “Nazis” cry, tremble in fear – Cops rush to save Feds

3 thoughts on “– Pro-America Patriot rally ongoing – Feds show up dressed as “Nazis” – Patriots force Feds out of rally – Unmask the Feds, who PANIC – The “Nazis” cry, tremble in fear – Cops rush to save Feds

  1. The whole “nazi” thing has been a jewish propaganda op since WWII, and quite successful for them too so far. Defaming ALL white people as essentially “racist” by the very nature of their genetic code & being able to collectively call them “nazi” has so far been quite effective in dividing strong individuals who don’t want the jews on their backs from the self-loathing fagg0ts & weaklings who believe everything the daily news media tells them.

    To play Devil’s Advocate & to be perfectly frank, videos like this need to be viewed from a much bigger picture perspective in my opinion. Is it real? Is it staged? How many rally people & “feds” were actually in this very narrowly filmed “event”? 10 per side? 12? 15? Is it a psyop being exposed or a psyop within the perception of a psyop exposure? Is the real message here that the “nazis” were undercover feds or that white nazis are “running things” & the “Pro-America” people were exposing & calling out the “nazis” by the words “racist” & “nazi”? If it’s the “nazis” then it can’t possibly be their mortal enemy the jew who runs it all can it? Is it exactly what people want to see right now? Are you being fed false “hope” or is your apathy just being reinforced as you sit & watch yet another social media video on your little screen you spend so much time on? I’m pretty sure it was a jew who inverted the famous quote from “bad news” into “ALL news is good news!”. I’m going to go out on a limb here & say this whole video looks staged or set up as f*ck but then I’m very critical of & very cynical about ALL media, especially “social”. And on that note, maybe you should be asking yourself why so many of these twitter posts are made or put out by people with jewish names; this particular one’s not quite so obvious but definitely most others I’ve seen recently popping up.

    1. I’ll tell you what, devil’s advocate, don’t come on this site defending any kind of socialism, including national socialism, and the narrow group that you speak of are those who think that all white people are labeled as Nazis by anyone except for the handful of propogandists. The rest of us know better. Finally, I see my people beating these cooperate mafia agitators and unmasking them like they should have been doing all along, and you step up to play devil’s advocate. There is an article posted today showing one of those pricks being identified as an FBI agent, and that’s a fucking fact. Again, the people step up and start doing what they should have been doing all along, and you try to piss on and demine it with your devil’s advocate bullshit. Makes you look like a shill. So take your devil’s advocate off of this site and straight to hell with you. By.

      1. It is definitely not my intention to defend socialism of any kind Henry & I didn’t do that anywhere in the comment. I hate it with a passion as with all “isms”! I was merely questioning the validity of a social media post as I will always do & that’s all. I ask questions – is it real? Is it not? Because I can’t tell from that small video that appears to be only shot from one camera from quite a narrow angle (that was all I meant by “narrow”). I question everything even if I want really hard for this to be real so I always look at all the possibilities based on what I clearly see with my own eyes. In many cases like this I will formulate & sometimes state what my personal opinion might be at the spur of the moment based on what I have seen in the video combined with all my experiences viewing similar videos & their breakdowns or analyses in the past. Do I believe there wasn’t feds in that video? No, there was. I think I was really questioning just how many! I know they’re everywhere & that means on “both” sides in many if not most of these social media videos. When it comes to actual propaganda, social media is probably a more effective tool for the corporates these days than mainstream TV as it simply reaches way more people & much quicker. Of course I always accept that I could be completely wrong also but it is still important to question & analyse based your own experience & what you see with your eyes. If you got the impression I was attempting to do anything else then I apologize for maybe not making a disclaimer first or trying to be clearer or using too many words when maybe I should’ve used less.

        With regard to the term “nazi” & my possible interpretation of its use here all I can say is I’m just so tired of now hearing BOTH sides in all these debates & scuffles in social media calling EACH OTHER “nazi” all over the place like it’s just some meaningless generic common slur or trigger word that you use to just assassinate your opponent’s character. Do I believe the feds are “nazis”? Well I do believe that they act exactly like what we’ve been told “nazis” are by the media. To be clear & simple I do think this was a jewish-created word designed exactly for divide-and-conquer purposes while taking the heat off themselves (the same way they use “racist” & many other words). The fact that EVERYONE on all sides now uses it to call out their enemies shows how worthless that word actually is. Do I give the word “nazi” any more “value” than that? No. not really. Do I defend socialism or national socialism? Hell no & I’ve never said anything to ever suggest that. I hate ALL politics & have never voted for anyone to represent me in any election – I am my own authority not some pencil-necked “nazi”/”fascist”/”commie”/”socialist” bureaucrat or their “nazi”/”fascist”/”commie”/”socialist” bully boys! See for me the important words are “bureaucrat” & “bully” because no matter what other label you use in front of them they remain the same standalone perfect description of what you’re actually dealing with. Oh hang on, I did help vote in a local Fishing Club (with 20 members) President once – that might compromise me somewhat LOL! A shill? I would normally & obviously just honestly answer that with a no also but does it really matter what I type? I mean it’s just my words typed out for others to see & different people will have different interpretations of any words anyone types in any given situation. I KNOW what I am & I’m happy with what I’ve done in my life to speak the truth in the face of tyranny & evil & to stand up with & for others who do the same. I don’t need or want others to validate me but I will always support or defend your right to speak your mind. We may all arrange our words a little differently from each other & especially online interpretation is often tricky & fraught with potential perceived or unintended illusion.

        With all that said if I’m not welcome here any longer then so be it. I respect your position as the owner of this site to make that decision on anyone at anytime without prejudice. I will continue to peruse the articles here mainly for the comments that are unique to the Trenches by some of the great regulars & I will continue to recommend the site to like-minded people I encounter everyday in the real world.

        Best regards & strength to you & yours & the same to all like-minded contributors, especially galen whose comments I have particularly enjoyed reading from time to time!

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