2 thoughts on “Rapidly-growing wildfire in Lane County prompts evacuations

  1. First this is not 200 acres and hasnt been for days. its over 1200. it is growing 10x a day and Im breathing it. The fire team decided to not focus on the west south west end because that all burned a few years ago. well 1000 acres later they made a bad call. over 20 jump fires a mile west are also going now and they still are sitting on their hands because if it gets big enough the masons and their crews get more mammon. Just like the bedrock fire. they let it grow so they all can get more money.
    I personally know a dozen or more people on these 3 fires and only the wiley fire was considered a priority. and only because they had second fiddle crews who didnt have financial interest in it getting bigger.

  2. Wow, that was enlightening. Had no idea the money was a factor. How sick can it get?!! Reminds me of the doctors who get paid for poisoning.

    Ed, stay safe.


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