Published on Mar 22, 2014 by AryanEmpires

**WATCH AT 720P HD**

2014.3.22 (AE) – Robbie Parker claims to be IN TWO PLACES AT EXACTLY the same time on the morning of the Sandy Hook Massacre…

The following video shows irrefutable evidence, based on official documents, like the “Sandy Hook Final Reports”, proving beyond any doubt whatsoever, that Robbie Parker was standing “OUTSIDE THE SCHOOL” at exactly 9:36:48AM and speaking to 911 operators… DURING THE SHOOTINGS!!!

But somehow Robbie has repeatedly made statements claiming he was, at the very same time, “IN LOCKDOWN” at Danbury Hospital… “talking to his wife on the phone” and “watching the events unfold on TV”…

********************GAME OVER********************


Adam Lanza
Alissa Parker
Danbury Hospital
Newtown Connecticut
Operator Jen
Rick Thorne
Robbie Parker
Sandy Hook 911 Transcript
Sandy Hook Final Reports
Sandy Hook Hoax
Sandy Hook Massacre

5 thoughts on “SANDY HOOK COVENANT; Robbie Parker’s Doppelganger, ‘OUTSIDE THE SCHOOL’ & ‘AT HOSPITAL’

  1. OK, now what? It’s obvious this is a convoluted mess of a dog and pony show for mass consumption that was used to pass draconian anti-gun laws. We, or most here, know that the facts of the case don’t add up and that we are being lied to like so many times before. Hell, before any here were born.

    Will “law enforcement” review this evidence and question Mr Parker? Can we believe anything they tell us about it if they do?

    Where are the Congressmen in DC screaming about the evidence that shows the POTUS is not eligible to be there? Not to mention Benghazi, fast and furious, etc….etc….etc…

    Does it matter that since 1792 the Constitution was suspended to pay back the debt to the Bank of England for loans to fight the revolution and we have been virtual slaves ever since?

    Will the Militia’s in Conn. mobilize and bring the Gov officials and “law enforcement” to answer for what took place and demand answers for the people of their state? Will others take up the cause if they won’t?

    It’s a lot easier to stand for something in the Nev. desert against a few BLM than it is to stand against local PD, local GOV, or WASH DC proper.

    Stand where you are and hope for the best. This is just more salt in the wounds for this Patriot, who is still wondering when the shooting starts.

    “If this were 1776 our forefathers would of been shooting by now.” Source Unknown

    1. Will I ever be able to look at POTUS and not think POS?

      It’s been that way since the end of Reagan’s selected term, when I started to truly understand GOV(politics), so no hope there either.

  2. Fishy, let me count the ways;1] Robbie 2]Failure to Release the Videos from the new security system that was in place, [Pentagon 9/11?] 3] Demolition of the crime scene, [WTC debris/china?] 4] Dr Carver’s “crashing on his head” behavior. 5] Men seen running into the woods???? 6] State Police chief’s “my way or the jail cell” attitude. Ask Wolfgang. 7] Discrepancy in the number of guns ol Adam Rambo used. 8] It’s late…feel free to add to the list because there’s more,

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