Sanhedrin rules: Forbidden for Israel to sign WHO resolution

Israel 365

The Sanhedrin just released an official ruling on the upcoming vote by the World Health Organization on resolutions that will give them emergency powers over any country they choose. 

The World Health Assembly (WHA), the World Health Organization’s (WHO) governing legislative body, will be voting on Provisional agenda item 16.2 in Geneva on May 22. The agenda, described by the WHO under the headline “Strengthening WHO preparedness for and response to health emergencies,” the new agenda would give them the power to unilaterally declare a health emergency in any country, thereby giving them emergency powers. The Biden administration gave these proposed amendments to the WHO on January 18. No one knew this until April 12, less than a month ago. If passed, the resolutions will go into effect in November.

These amendments will empower WHO’s Director-General to declare health emergencies or crises in any nation and do so unilaterally and against the opposition of the target nation. The Director-General will be able to declare these health crises based merely on his personal opinion or consideration that there is a potential or possible threat to other nations.

These regulations are a “binding instrument of international law.” UN member states can be required by law to obey or acquiesce to them. Under the new regulations, WHO will not be required to consult with the identified nation beforehand to “verify” the event before taking action.

In a covert manner similar to what happened in the US, the Israeli government intends to support Provisional agenda item 16.2  as well.

This week, the Sanhedrin released a ruling on the issue:

“In the upcoming days, the State of Israel is going to sign on the resolutions pertaining to the handling of pandemics by the WHO. By doing so, the State of Israel will effectively transfer all of its sovereignty pertaining to the health of the citizens of Israel at the time of an epidemic into the hands of a foreign body that is not Israel. The WHO will set in an exclusive manner all of the rules if a pandemic breaks out and will set the steps of all the participating nations in order to isolate the epidemic. This includes quarantines, lockdowns, mandatory vaccination, vaccination passports, and other steps. If a country refuses to take these steps, harsh sanctions will be implemented against that country. This process absolutely goes against the basic principles of the State of Israel. The State of Israel is a Jewish state, a state of law and a democratic state. If the State of Israel joins this global health organization, then they will be violating many of laws of Israel.

“The laws of Israel state that harming or degrading the sovereignty of the state or its completeness, is categorized as treason. Whoever intentionally demeans the sovereignty of the State or does any act that damages the sovereignty, the judgment is death or life imprisonment. Transferring the sovereign rule of the State of Israel to a foreign body is illegal. It endangers the citizens of Israel and is contrary to the laws of the State of Israel including the basic laws of the government and of the Knesset.”

“Jewish law expressly forbids handing a Jew over to non-Jews, even if the Jew is evil or a sinner.”

The ruling cited a verse in Jeremiah:

Thus said Hashem: Cursed is he who trusts in man, Who makes mere flesh his strength, And turns his thoughts from Hashem. Jeremiah 17:5

“By signing this resolution, the state of Israel is transferring their faith from God to this foreign organization.”

“The process of transferring sovereignty and responsibility to a foreign power is contrary to all the rules of democracy. Who are the people ruling the WHO? Were they elected democratically? Are they the same people who required that countries mandate the vaccine at the time it was already known that Pfizer and the WHO already knew that there were over 1200 damaging side effects to the experimental mRNA vaccine? This is defrauding the public. Are these the people that led experiments on humans with this “vaccine”?”

“In summary, the Beit Din has made a ruling according to Halacha that it is forbidden in the strictest terms for the government to sign this agreement and to transfer the sovereignty to a foreign power. Therefore we rule that it is forbidden for any politician to sign this document.

“The Beit Din (court) rules that if there is a signing of the government of the sovereign to the WHO, this agreement is thereby null and void from the outset and it is not worth the ink that it is written with.”

The following rabbis signed the ruling:

Rabbi Yishai Bavad, Rabbi Meir Hakak HaLevy, Rabbi Golan Kohen Rabbi Eldad Shmueli, Rabbi Aharon Yitzchakk Shtern, Rabbi Daniel Asore, Rabbi Yonatan Hahn, Rabbi Menachem Tobias, Rabbi Aryeh Netanel Lipo

One thought on “Sanhedrin rules: Forbidden for Israel to sign WHO resolution

  1. “The laws of Israel state that harming or degrading the sovereignty of the state or its completeness, is categorized as treason. Whoever intentionally demeans the sovereignty of the State or does any act that damages the sovereignty, the judgment is death or life imprisonment. Transferring the sovereign rule of the State of Israel to a foreign body is illegal. It endangers the citizens of Israel and is contrary to the laws of the State of Israel including the basic laws of the government and of the Knesset.”

    Wow…..It’s almost like I’m reading the US Constitution or any other country’s Constitution, but apparently the Jews think they are an exception to their own One World government goal.


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