Saw something at the Indy 500? Better say something!

Published on May 26, 2013 by TRUTHstreammedia

Homeland Security is quickly taking over all our major sporting events. What’s next? Shopping malls? Hospitals? Grocery stores? (Terrorists gotta eat, after all). Your porch? The TSA has caught a lot of terrorists you know (or none ever).

Ever seen that Terry Gilliam film “Brazil”? The one where everyone is so desensitized to random terrorist violence every other five minutes perpetrated by unseen terrorists that are supposedly everywhere, requiring a huge police state presence to protect and keep everyone safe?

Yeah. We live there. It’s called ‘Merica.

5 thoughts on “Saw something at the Indy 500? Better say something!

  1. I saw something!
    I saw a pig in a donut shop terrorizing the employees. It seems that the cashier insisted that the pig pay for his coffee and donuts.

    Now how do I collect the reward money?

  2. How do you collect the money?. Call your local fusion center. Yeah right, that’ll be the last place I’d call. If you see something, confront them and take care of it yourself, with the help of a couple of your buddies. I don’t need any outside help. All that does is encourage them to add more restraints to our liberty.

  3. tweet everything everybody saw on the top 50 deadliest things! HAHAHAHA They really should try different type of job corp program instead of fear trading, Try building sustainable homes and food gardens for homeless in America or even in those Natural or Human made disaster zones and restore this planet back where humanism has destroyed it or at least leave it alone.

  4. Countless examples looking at the top end of Gov alone – from the usurper on down. How about blocking not the borders but LE from blocking the borders. That’s a THREAT!

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