SC sheriff fires deputy who slammed black student in classroom


Richland County, South Carolina has fired Ben Fields, the sheriff’s deputy recorded using force on an African-American student during a school discipline incident. Footage of Fields throwing the student across the classroom has caused outrage.

“From the very beginning that’s what’s caused me to be upset, and continued to upset me is that he picked the student up and threw the student across the room,” Richland County Sheriff Leon Lott said at a press conference Wednesday, announcing that Fields was being let go.  

The department interviewed witnesses and reviewed several cell-phone videos taken in the classroom, and concluded the moves Fields used in the confrontation were “not acceptable.”

After talking to Fields, the sheriff said the deputy “tried to do his job,” but that he should not have used force against the student. While the teen was non-compliant and disrespectful, Lott said, she was not a danger to the deputy.

“This has been a very difficult situation for all of us,” Lott said, urging the community to use the incident as a teachable moment.

“Police officers make mistakes too, and they have to be held accountable. That’s what we’ve done,” said the sheriff, adding that the student should also be held responsible for disrupting the classroom.

7 thoughts on “SC sheriff fires deputy who slammed black student in classroom

  1. OK, so now he’s been fired. That’s the first step. Now how about those assault charges? And don’t forget to sue the bastard, too.

  2. “… Richland County Sheriff Leon Lott said at a press conference Wednesday, announcing that Fields was being let go.”

    LET GO???


  3. Fields will likely be hired by another Department in some other City or someplace in the Federal Government.

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