Second Dead Body Found At LA Home Of Wealthy Democratic Donor

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

For the second time in 18 months, a dead body has been found at the home of Ed Buck, a prominent LA-based Democratic donor who once ran for the West Hollywood City Council, according to reports from a local TV station.

KTLA reported that the body of a man in his 50s was found by police shortly after 1 am on Monday. Buck’s attorney said the deceased was an old friend of Buck’s who died of an overdose after ingesting drugs at another location. 

“From what I know, it was an old friend who died of an accidental overdose, and unfortunately, we believe that the substance was ingested at some place other than the apartment,” Buck’s attorney, Seymour Amster, told the newspaper.

Buck was home at the time the man died.

While the circumstances of the latest death aren’t entirely known, the previous death, which occurred in July 2017, was that of a 26-year-old man who had been working as a prostitute when he died of a methamphetamine overdose in Buck’s apartment. The man, Gemmel Moore, was homeless at the time – but he was flown from Houston to LA by Buck on the day that he overdosed.

Months later, the LA Times reportedly reviewed Moore’s journals, where he wrote about how Buck introduced him to crystal meth, and even worried that his addiction might kill him.

“I’ve become addicted to drugs and the worst one at that,” Moore reportedly wrote in the diary. “Ed Buck is the one to thank, he gave me my first injection of [sic] chrystal meth.”

“I just hope the end result isn’t death…If it didn’t hurt so bad I’d kill myself but I’ll let Ed Buck do it for now.”

Police launched an investigation into Buck after Moore’s death, but no charges were filed. After the latest death, police will also be conducting an investigation, but it’s unclear whether charges should be expected.

Activists rallied outside Buck’s apartment on Monday evening and demanded that the donor be arrested and prosecuted for the deaths, claiming that he had been using his wealth to shield himself from prosecution.

2 thoughts on “Second Dead Body Found At LA Home Of Wealthy Democratic Donor

  1. Move a llong nothing to see here but two dead gays killed in a very rich man home . Watch he will buy his way out of this . Move a long nothing will come of this

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