Senate bill proposes to defund UN over Israel settlement vote

Press TV

Two US senators have introduced legislation to withdraw funding for the United Nations over last month’s resolution condemning Israeli settlement construction on the occupied Palestinian territories.

The bill, called the Safeguard Israel Act, was presented Thursday by Republican senators Lindsey Graham and Ted Cruz, and would cut off funding for the UN until the US president confirms the repeal of the Security Council Resolution 2334 that called Israel’s settlements a violation of international law.  

The US, which has vetoed similar measures in the past, abstained from the vote, allowing the resolution to be adopted.

Sen. Cruz said President Barack Obama “betrayed decades of robust bipartisan American support for Israel” by having his administration abstain from voting.

“Congress must hold the UN accountable and use our leverage as its largest contributor to push for the repeal of this resolution, making it clear to the world that Congress stands unequivocally against efforts to undermine Israel,” the Texas senator said.

Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry faced bipartisan pressure from Congress ahead of the vote to use America’s veto authority to kill the UN resolution.

Graham, who oversees funding for the State Department and foreign operations, denounced the vote as “a slap” against Israel.

“I begged the UN months before; don’t put me in this box. This was John Kerry and Obama taking a slap at Israel,” the South Carolina Republican said.

“Twenty-two percent of the money to fund the UN comes from the American taxpayer. I don’t think it is a good investment for the American taxpayer to give money to an organization that condemns the only democracy in the Mideast,” he added.

The House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed a bipartisan measure last week to disapprove the Security Council’s rebuke of Israel.

The measure stated that the US “should oppose and veto future United Nations Security Council resolutions that seek to impose solutions to final status issues, or are one-sided and anti-Israel.”

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused Obama and Kerry of being personally behind the “shameful act” and summoned the US ambassador over the issue.

White House officials said Obama felt he had tried for eight years and simply failed to convince Netanyahu that settlement building on Palestinian land was sabotaging the “two-state solution.”

10 thoughts on “Senate bill proposes to defund UN over Israel settlement vote

  1. “I don’t think it is a good investment for the American taxpayer to give money to an organization that condemns the only democracy in the Mideast,” he added.”

    In the first place, it’s not OUR investment, it’s YOURS, @sswipe.

    Secondly, you send FAR MORE of the mammon you steal from us to that Satanic den of pedophile iniquity calling themselves Israhell (PALESTINE, IN REALITY).

    I see a sturdy hemp rope in your future, POS TRAITOR!!!

    1. Happy New Year #1!
      Best wishes! <3
      Had a bit of a break for holidays, was able to get on missed you!
      Flu going around here bigtime (Lucky you all get a freeze!) got from client so hrs a lil less than usual. Still going in…

      Might need to get schooled here, but thought we weren't supposed to be involved in anything like the UN in the first place?
      If I'm going to be schooled, would rather it be here with people I trust!
      Am I wrong here?

      Will make quick, Thank you JD for refresher and more! I remembered reading the huge book back, think in mid 70's, and microfiche, didn't check out the book (Just marked where left off) went back qd and read.

      Fever and chills, nite
      P.S. Yeah Henry used to work on cars with my Dad, file points, timing, looking at my freaking engine now (04), frick covered, can;t even adjust my own carburetor…..smh, have been looking for an early 60's something can work on. Wishes for the best!

      Love to all <3

      1. Happy New Year, RT! 🙂

        “… thought we weren’t supposed to be involved in anything like the UN in the first place?”

        Absolute correct, RT.

        However… WE’RE not involved, the so-called ‘government’ is. WITHOUT our consent, and without the legal basis to do so. It is verboten, but since when has THAT ever stopped the POS commie jewb#tches?

        Anyway, it’s almost closing time, gotta bail.
        Miss you 🙁 , don’t be so scarce. 😉

        1. Yep “we’re” TY #1
          Miss you too!
          Playing catch up here today, sooooo many good articles the past few days!
          Hope you get your wifi back soon!
          Will try to be around more!

  2. “The only democracy in the Middle East”? Yeah, sure. Keep repeating that line and I’m sure there will always be some who are stupid enough to believe it.

    First, Israel is not a democracy. It’s a Jewish-supremacist ethnostate with an atrocious human rights record.

    Second, US officials cannot talk about democracies in the Middle East (or elsewhere, for that matter), since the US government has a long history of overthrowing democratically-elected regimes by means of CIA-sponsored coups.

    Ted Cruz and Lindsay “Lohan” Graham can go swallow Satanyahu’s nuts. So can all “Christian” Zionists, whose grossly unbiblical heresy is causing so much suffering in the world.

  3. Well maybe we’re finally going to get rid of the U.N., albeit for the wrong reasons, but I try to look at the bright side.

    It’s one “settlement” we don’t need here.

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