Senators propose 12-cent gas tax increase

KATC 3 News

WASHINGTON (AP) – Two senators unveiled a bipartisan plan Wednesday to raise federal gasoline and diesel taxes for the first time in more than two decades, pitching the proposal as a solution to Congress’ struggle to pay for highway and transit programs.

The plan offered by Sens. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., and Bob Corker, R-Tenn., would raise the 18.4-cents-a-gallon federal gas tax and 24.4-cents-a- gallon diesel tax by 12 cents each over the next two years, and then index the taxes to keep pace with inflation.

The plan also calls for offsetting the tax increases with other taxes cuts. Senators said that could be done by permanently extending six federal tax breaks that expired this year, but they indicated they would be open to other suggestions for offsets.

The federal Highway Trust Fund that pays for highway and transit aid is forecast to go broke by late August. Revenue from gas taxes and other transportation user fees that go into the fund haven’t kept pace with federal aid promised to states. People are driving less per capita and cars are more fuel efficient, keeping revenues fairly flat. But nation’s infrastructure is aging, creating greater demand for new and rebuilt roads and bridges. At the same time, the cost of construction has increased.

“For too long, Congress has shied away from taking serious action to update our country’s aging infrastructure,” Murphy said in a statement. “We’re currently facing a transportation crisis that will only get worse if we don’t take bold action to fund the Highway Trust Fund.”

Since 2008, Congress has repeatedly dipped into the general treasury for money to keep the trust fund solvent, sometimes waiting until the government was the verge of slowing down payments to states. States have complained that the uncertainty over whether federal aid will be forthcoming has limited their ability to commit to larger projects that take years to plan and construct.

“Congress should be embarrassed that it has played chicken with the Highway Trust Fund and allowed it to become one of the largest budgeting failures in the federal government,” Corker said.

The six expired tax breaks identified by the senators as possible offsets for fuel tax increases are a research and development tax credit, certain expensing by small businesses, the state and local sales tax deduction, increasing employer-provided transit benefits to the same level as parking benefits, a deduction for spending by teachers on classroom supplies, and an increased deduction for land conservation and easement donations.

9 thoughts on “Senators propose 12-cent gas tax increase

  1. The PEOPLE PROPOSE a cut in salary of ALL politicians in the U.S….

    NO politician, including the president should make more than MINIMUM WAGE.

    Let’s reduce ALL political salaries to minimum wage, no perks, no overtime….
    I bet we could balance the budget FAST AND TAKE CARE OF THE PEOPLE OF THE U.S. who have been neglected and ignored for so long.

    The crooks wouldn’t want the jobs anymore, and good people could start filling the positions.

    NO MORE MILLIONAIRE POLITICIANS or millionaire congress…

    ENOUGH! Its time to clean house….

      1. Paul ,if any real change is ever to occur,that and that alone is the only way any real change to stop the tyranny evolving right now will ever happen.For the most part LEO’s all over the country have simply jumped right on the band wagon and the ones that haven’t sure as hell are not doing a damn thing about the ones that have sold out. There is a storm coming whether the sheep believe it or not!

        1. agreed, there is a (evil), that is covering this nation. whisper, watch, think about the tone of such matters… For the ones that can not see it, or take the honey from the mouth.. the free people can only watch, and take note…

    1. they couldnt care less.
      do you realise just how small of a percentage of income the wage is compared to the “dontations” etc.

      no, keep the wage, but ban donations of any kind or “moonlighting” for corporations.
      that will cause them some serious pain!

  2. it’s my understanding that the u.s. just like france and germany built the highways to aid movement of it’s military.

    so why is the funding not simply being taken from the anual military budget?

    or is it considered more important to be able to roam across the middle-east than to simply drive to the shops without a tracked vehicle!!!

  3. Inflation???? what Inflation???? You mean we have inflation by the Senators standard??? So someone lied to us? there is inflation….

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