Sheriff Mark Lamb Exposes The US Department Of Homeland Security Is Responsible For Creating The App To Import Illegal Migrants

By Wall Street Apes

The Cartel Is Using It To Make A Fortune Trafficking Illegals

“Who created that app?”

“The DHS, Department of Homeland Security. Department of Homeland Security. And they love it, by the way.”

“CBP One App”

“An app where now people can claim asylum from their home country, and we will actually fly down there and pick them up and bring them here. This administration having flown, like, what, 300,000 Haitians into our country directly.

Even if you fix the border issue, they’re still gonna be flying people in from other countries because they filed they went through the CVP1 app. The cartels have completely learned how to abuse and use the CBP One app to benefit them.

They extort people and say, hey. Look. We’ll help you get through the CBP One app, tell you what you do, there’s how much you have to pay us.”

One thought on “Sheriff Mark Lamb Exposes The US Department Of Homeland Security Is Responsible For Creating The App To Import Illegal Migrants

  1. Mark Lamb is a confused bootlicker , that more then likely is seeing his fiefdom collapsing under him , I have heard the word “Democracy” come out of his mouth too many times to take him seriously , he’s just another blue stripe coward that goes around acting tuff but has no clue what soil his boots are planted on

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