Small Businesses Can’t Avoid Obamacare by Switching to Part-Time Workers

Breitbart – by DR. SUSAN BERRY

Small businesses hoping to avoid the high costs of ObamaCare by switching to part-time employees got some unwelcome news last Thursday, as Paul Bedard at the Washington Examiner reported that the Small Business Administration launched a website to explain to employers the federal government will add up the number of part-time staff employed to determine if enough hours have been worked to meet the “full-time equivalent” criterion.  

Though President Obama has unilaterally suspended the employer mandate for one year, many companies that were anticipating it going into effect October 1st are moving ahead with their plans to lessen the impact on their businesses.

Some businesses believed that if they could get their number of full-time staff to under 50, they could avoid activating ObamaCare mandates by cutting full-time workers and hiring more part-timers. Confusion about the employer mandate calculation has been widespread.

Bedard wrote:

Said Matthew Haller of the International Franchise Association, “while its nice the administration has launched a new website, employers have been scrambling since the law was passed two plus years ago for answers to the laws complicated calculations for determining if they are ‘large’ employers and how many ‘full-time equivalent employees’ they have. The uncertainty created by the [health care act] continues to cause franchises and other small businesses to hit the pause button on job creation.”

Keeping in mind that, under ObamaCare, a “full-time” work week is only 30 hours, the SBA website provides an example:

Company X has 40 full-time employees working 40 hours per week, along with 20 part-time employees working 15 hours per week. The 20 part-time employees are counted as 10 full-time equivalent employees. Company X has 50 full-time employees and is subject to the employer shared responsibility provisions.

The rules are a “problem for employers at the margin” of 50 full-time workers, said Edmund F. Haisimaier of the Heritage Foundation. In addition, the mandates include seasonal employees, so even if a business with seasonal workers has the equivalent of 50 full-time workers for only 121 days, ObamaCare requirements are activated for that business.

5 thoughts on “Small Businesses Can’t Avoid Obamacare by Switching to Part-Time Workers

  1. As with all regulations and so called “laws”
    decreed by tyrants and oppressors …..
    It always reads as a heaping, steaming,
    pile of crap.
    None of it is designed to make any sense.
    The more confusing and asinine it is to the
    victims, (US), the more those who drafted these
    absolute criminal decrees, think they’ll be secure.
    Well the joke will be on them, soon enough.
    When the people of this Republic get their final
    gullet full of these marxists and fabian socialists.
    The morons who’ve dreamed up the garbage,
    that’s being inflicted upon the people, and being
    passed off as “laws” will find out how expendable
    they really are.
    It will be real interesting to see just how many
    tens upon tens of thousands of people who’ll just
    flat out refuse to comply to any of it.
    What will be even more interesting to observe,
    will be watching the “keystone players” trying to
    enforce it. This will be the time, when the rubber
    meets the road. For the tire marks left behind,
    on the fore heads of the wanna be oppressors,
    will be very telling.

    1. ALL government entities have their rules, regulations and decrees written in ambiguous language so that it can be interpreted to suit the desire of the day, i have run into this even in our sloppy lame ass local government, every year they pass more laws, with more ambiguous language and more doublespeak,
      See the FTT article on metaphysics of revolution for the answer to clarify our world.
      The only exit strategy has those who would control us swinging from ropes on the lamp posts to warn those who oppose freedom and liberty that they too will feel the burn of a hemp necktie.

  2. I reiterate: small businesses have GOT to go. They’re draining precious dollars from the corporate mafia, and this is totally unacceptable.

    CEOs COULD end up starving, after all.

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