Sorry, College Kids, There’s No Such Thing As Hate Speech

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: Someone else who seems to get it. Free speech is free without any blocks or filters. You cannot have free speech with an asterisk.

For the sake of campus protestors and their professors across the country, it’s time to make something clear: there’s no such thing as hate speech.  

That should go without saying, since freedom of speech and free inquiry is supposed to be what college is all about. But the recent spate of violent student protests, from the University of California at Berkeley to Middlebury College in Vermont, have been met with a collective shrug from an alarming number of college students, professors, and administrators who seem to be under the impression that violence is okay so long as its purpose is to silence “hate speech.”

By hate speech, they mean ideas and opinions that run afoul of progressive pieties. Do you believe abortion is the taking of human life? That’s hate speech. Think transgenderism is a form of mental illness? Hate speech. Concerned about illegal immigration? Believe in the right to bear arms? Support President Donald Trump? All hate speech.

Source: Sorry, College Kids, There’s No Such Thing As Hate Speech

World Events and the Bible

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