Sources: Boston Terror Suspect Wanted to Behead “Draw Muhammad” Organizer

NECN – by Josh Brogadir

Usaama Rahim, the terrorism suspect killed by police in Boston Tuesday, may have planned to behead the organizer of a controversial “Draw Muhammad” competition before he changed course and decided to attack police officers, law enforcement sources said.

Rahim and David Wright, an alleged co-conspirator who was arrested Tuesday night, had originally planned to travel to New York and behead Pamela Geller, the Boston law enforcement officials said.  

According to an FBI affidavit filed in connection with charges against David Wright, only after abandoning the plot to attack Gellar did Rahim plan to “randomly kill police officers.”

But unlike Rahim and Wright’s plot to attack police, their discussion to allegedly behead Geller was just talk, which one official described as a “fantasy,” law enforcement officials told NBC News.

“We don’t know whether they even knew where to find her,” another source said.

Geller is the executive director of the American Freedom Defense Initiative, which the Southern Poverty Law Center classifies as an anti-Islam hate organization. She vowed to continue speaking her mind, no matter the consequences.

“They targeted me for violating sharia blasphemy laws. They mean to kill everyone who doesn’t do their bidding and abide by then voluntarily,” Geller told NBC News in a statement. “This is a showdown for American freedom. Will we stand against this savagery, or bow down to them and silence ourselves?

“It won’t end with me or the cops,” Geller added. “It’s just beginning. The one thing that’s being ignored that came out of Garland is that ISIS is here. Islamic terrorism is here.”

Geller has been a target several times before. Two men with reported ties to ISIS, Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi, were killed by police when they attacked the site where the “Draw Muhammad” contest, billed as a free-speech event, was held. One officer was injured.

“I will wear bulletproof equipment when I speak, and I will continue to speak in defense of freedom until the day I die,” Geller said last month.

Geller does have armed security with her at all times. NECN has reached out for a statement from her in response to the alleged plot against her by Rahim.


5 thoughts on “Sources: Boston Terror Suspect Wanted to Behead “Draw Muhammad” Organizer

  1. Geller, ACLU,FBI, American Freedom Defense Initiative,Southern Poverty Law Center, ISIS.

    Are any of the above NOT working for the commie joos?

    “They targeted me for violating sharia blasphemy laws. They mean to kill everyone who doesn’t do their bidding and abide by then voluntarily,” Geller told NBC News in a statement. “This is a showdown for American freedom. Will we stand against this savagery, or bow down to them and silence ourselves?”

    Sure they did. You’re another joo actress in a zionist produced false reality hoax pretending to save us as you lead us to the slaughter and make us pay for it the entire way there.

    The irony and hypocrisy of her words is palpable.

  2. You know something is a FALSE FLAG…when it references OTHER FALSE FLAGS. I’ve said that many times, remember that formula!!!

    It’s like they’re HELPING US identify FALSE FLAGS, THANKS!!!!!!!!!

  3. Well, this doesn’t sound completely contrived or made up at all…lol. Next it’ll be aliens from outer space…..THEY’RE ATTACKING OUR FREEDOMS!!!
    Go crawl back under your CIA/Mossad rock Gellar and tell your masters the plan isn’t working.

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