South Carolina Voters Defrauded by Corporate Propagandists and Corrupt Election Officials

The polls in South Carolina closed at 7:00 EST.  At 7:20 with less than 1% of the vote counted, the election was called for Newt Gingrich.  At 7:30, with still less than 1% of the vote counted, it was declared that Rick Santorum took 3rd place.  We are now living in a corporate media dictatorship wherein the election results are adjusted through fraud to match the reporting.  And this is fraud absolute as it can be considered nothing else.

They don’t try this kind of shit in a banana republic.  This is high treason being perpetrated through propaganda.  This is telling the American people of the American race, you can think what you want but you will do as the 1% says.

The people of South Carolina should be filling the streets and demanding arrests.  This is what our country has come to.  The corporations own the mainstream media, which is now dictating thought.

I guess this makes one thing plain and clear and that is that the Republic is going to have to be taken back by force, and as these propagandist scum are insuring that eventuality, let them be the first to be arrested.  We should be looking with contempt at our television screens and the rancid elitist traitors who have decided it will be slavery for the rest of us.

I know the web is going to alive with outrage over this, but so long as the election process is controlled by the 1%, simple outrage is not going to be enough.  We need to draw up a declaration that states emphatically that either the election fraud stops forthwith, or we throw down our ballots and pick up our guns.

God bless this Republic, death to the international corporate mafia, we shall prevail.

This is a screenshot I took of the South Carolina Primary map a few minutes ago. Notice Lauren County has Gingrich winning with ZERO percent reporting.

Behold the power of Bilderberg.

0 thoughts on “South Carolina Voters Defrauded by Corporate Propagandists and Corrupt Election Officials

  1. Newt Gingrich is pathetic. He is playing this thing out as a professional speaker, oblivious to what is really going on around him. This clown is so out of touch with real America that he actually thinks he has a chance of legitimately winning this thing. The man is entrenched in a fantasy land….. Sad really, really, really sad.. Professional puppet who wears jackets one size too small.

    Only one man will change us back to our founders intentions…. Can’t believe only one man has the guts…. surrounded by cowards….

  2. Still should be riots in the streets. Nothing but a slumbering public, at least where I am……..You could enter homes here and remove all possesions and all you would hear would be snoring.

    1. LMAO, that’s about the truth of it all. You could take the shirt off their back and they would still be asleep. How can we wake them all up?

      1. I’ve been trying to spread the word, but there seems to be no cure for ignorance. People look at me as if I were CRAZY when I try to inform them.

        1. Hans Christian Anderson wrote a story about this aspect of the human psyche a very long time ago…apparently our species is evolving at an alarmingly slow rate…zero. Hence messengers of unwanted news are still usually either ignored or, at worst, shot either figuratively or literally….as I’m sure you already know.

          1. It’s getting so bad they even believe their own lies. Everytime I turn on the news it’s like a soap opera, ( Days of our Lies ) lol They are officially known by me as the Soap Opera Media. I wonder if their mothers taught them to lie like that, they certainly did not learn that in school.

          2. What do you think of the 900 dead people that voted? That’s about the only people that would vote for NEWT anyway.

          3. As I stated in another post…this is “The Age of Lunacy”. Our species has gone completely batf**K!

            At the very least it’s a great comedy show.

        2. Use videos or books. What works for me is getting them to the house early for a football game and putting on a video or alternative news on the internet. Then they start asking questions like: Can I borrow that video? or what website was that? Can you email it to me. infowars of a good video is Fall of the Republic or The Obama Deception.

          1. And which of these “trusted friends” will report you as a

            Do you actually trust anyone? Trust between us has been surgically destroyed. We have been engineered to trust only money.

            Welcome to the age of lunacy.

          2. That’s it, the lunatic party and the lunacy party speaking to the ADHD subordenents. We have a real election going on folks.

          3. This must be what inspired Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (pseudonym Lewis Carroll) to write “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.”

            Apparently nothing has changed at core level since then (1865) except that there is now the potential for things to get far worse and on a much larger scale. It will all drive one totally mad if permitted. I think I’ll read that once again along with Rudyard Kipling’s “If” written 20 years later. Might be helpful also to revisit Dickens a bit. I certainly have to get some bird’s eye view perspective on current reality or I will soon be compelled to hang myself.

          4. Yes. It’s funny they think they are fooling people. They are fooling about 60% that’s why we have to wake them up. Don’t compell yourself get mad and really do your best to do something about it.

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