South Carolinians, Help God, Vote for Ron Paul

The South Carolina primaries will be held on Saturday and the mainstream propaganda machine is in high gear in trying to influence the voters in that state.  I saw a preacher on CNN who was saying in essence that the people should forget about the economy, the loss of their jobs, foreign wars, and foreign aid and vote for religion.  This preacher said that God is mad at us and the only way to fix the situation is by voting for the candidate that is the biggest religious fanatic.  You know who I am talking about, Rick Santorum.

This preacher demonstrated the very essence of the cause that drives people away from religion.  If you believe in God are not you supposed to work to make life more Godly, as in doing what you have to to stop the wars and end the internal corruption that has degraded the morality of our people?  Hasn’t Dr. Ron Paul offered to correct those things that are going on that would have to be considered un-Godly?

But no, says this preacher.  Vote for Rick Santorum as he will enforce the Bible through pain and suffering and all will accept the dictates of the righteous.  And it does not matter that we the people are enslaved in the process.

The government has formed a Clergy Response Team.  These individuals are government operatives and their sole purpose is to get their congregations to accept slavery and detention camps as an inevitability contained within scripture.  These so called men and women of God support the continued slaughter of human life in the Middle East.  They embrace the concept of the rulers and the ruled as they themselves are not but manipulators.

The propagandists are also putting forth brand new opinion polls.  We have discussed opinion polls in the past, but I would like to try a new angle today.  We all can understand the concept of the two sides of the tracks.  This being said, how easy is it to manipulate polls just by polling select numbers of people from this side or that side of the tracks?

The propagandists should be criminally charged for putting forth this manipulated information and attempting to usurp our Constitution by instituting an alternative form of government controlled through phony opinion polls.  This is corporate dictate by definition and it must stop.

When we take control of our Republic back, we must prosecute the propagandists.  We also must go back through years of broadcasts and find those who have committed constructive treason in declaring our Republic a Democracy.  These people know better, but it is their contention that the only way to destroy individual freedom and liberty is through collective treason.

American people of the American race, it is on us now.  This is a point our founding fathers knew we would reach as we have discovered a truth that has always been.  Our Bill of Rights is and has always been repugnant to the government power that would make us subservient to it.

Our rights have and do only exist to the extent that we are willing to enforce them with our lives.  Repeat, the government has no interest in protecting our rights as our power diminishes theirs.  We have allowed them to increase their power at the expense of ours to the point that they can rob us in broad daylight and have that action condoned as a lawful act by one of their co-conspirators.

The insurgents will continue to flex their muscle until we the people step up and slap them down.  This is when we will discover just to what extent the bully is a paper tiger.  We just have to take precaution that in the release of our rage; we do not destroy anything that can be useful to us.  In short we do not want to destroy our own property, just the thieves that have wrested its control away from us.  Fight smart.

God bless this Republic, death to the international corporate mafia, we shall prevail.

0 thoughts on “South Carolinians, Help God, Vote for Ron Paul

  1. Well, at least Huntsman got a clue, too bad he’s decided to back the wrong candidate. I guess he can only handle one intelligent decision, dropping out of the race.


    Huntsman to quit GOP race, back Romney

    January 16, 2012 — CHARLESTON, S.C. (AP) — Jon Huntsman staked his entire presidential campaign on New Hampshire in the hopes he could emerge from the shadow of fellow Mormon Mitt Romney to become a legitimate competitor.

    But less than a week after a disappointing third-place finish in the Granite State’s primary, Huntsman decided to withdraw and back Romney. Campaign officials say Huntsman will endorse Romney because he believes Romney is the best candidate to beat President Barack Obama in November. Campaign manager Matt David said Sunday that Huntsman will announce his withdrawal at an event in Myrtle Beach, S.C.

    Huntsman was almost invisible in a race often dominated by Romney. While other candidates were starting to campaign, Huntsman was half a world away, serving as Obama’s ambassador to China until he resigned in late April.

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