American Soldiers Urinating on Taliban – Outrageous?

Last Wednesday a video was released showing US Marines urinating on dead Taliban soldiers in Afghanistan, and many who read my articles might expect that I would come out in condemnation of the act.  I cannot.  Why this video was released can only be debated, but if the purpose was to show the United States government as a civil authority that does not condone barbarism, it would have to be considered laughable.

What these young marines did in urinating on corpses was actually quite mild in comparison to other acts that occur in the course of war.  During literally every war the United States has been involved in, and any other country for that matter, there has been barbarism.  Why?  Because that is what war is.  There are now movies showing soldiers in World War II cutting off ears and scrotums for war trophies.

As previously noted, this has been going on literally forever.  When my generation was young the war movies showed little if anything at all in reference to deaths and wounding on the battlefields, and the worst atrocity you saw was a captured soldier being cuffed upside the head by another soldier, who immediately received a strong talking to from his superior.

The modern war movies tend to show in gross detail the true ramifications of exchanging ordinances.  I believe the modern war propaganda is a double edged sword, causing many to be repulsed by the idea of savage conflict, while on the other hand desensitizing the population as a whole to watching human beings die in the most grotesque manner.

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, came out yesterday in condemnation of Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad’s murder of his own people.

The mongers of the industrial war complex are dead set on fostering further war in the Middle East, and in the end they will use the most diabolical means to achieve that goal.  They will show you dead bodies and say these people were murdered, we must do something.  And what will that something be?  Carpet bombing civilians to destabilize and bring down the Syrian government.  And in the end we will see more pictures of more innocents murdered, and these will be the ones we killed, putting forth the notion that the answer to murder is to out-murder the murderers.

Mark my words this thing is coming to a head as Russia and China are now asserting that they are not going to allow this psychosis to continue to rule the day.  Mind you, this is not a moral reaction, but rather a mechanism of self-defense.  If the US and Israel are allowed to continue to conquer and control the world’s resources, in the end the other super powers know that this wealth will be used in an attempt to conquer them.

The saber rattling in the Strait of Hormuz continues as the US, Israel, and their European co-conspirators maneuver themselves into position to attack Iran.  It is being said that if the Iranians so much as attempt to close the Strait of Hormuz, oil could go to $300 per barrel because insurance rates will increase for the transport ships bringing the oil out.  These globalists never cease to amaze me.

Lindsey Williams stated about a year ago that they want to see oil at $200 per barrel, after which they will tap into our oil reserves and sell that oil back to us through the international market at the inflated rate.

What a coup it would be for them if the Strait of Hormuz was disrupted.  The insurance companies will make billions and the oil companies will have achieved their goal of $200 per barrel oil.  And what it will all equate to in the end is more wealth from the natural resources of the peoples around the world going to a select few.

Only like I said earlier, countries like Russia and China now know that the globalists also have their eyes on the natural resources in their countries.

If we do not get Ron Paul elected and get this situation under control, we are absolutely going to have a third world war and the atrocities that will be committed in this war will make urinating on corpses seem minute in comparison.

God save us from the twisted minds of the international war pigs.

0 thoughts on “American Soldiers Urinating on Taliban – Outrageous?

  1. Yes, War brings out the best in our young soldiers. It is not normal to see that much killing. Your mind becomes desencitised to it but your subconcious is damaged. I wonder how many of these fine soldiers were under the influence of drugs. What ever happened, it was wrong, he was, I hope, a soldier just like them. He should have the honor of a soldier. Their punishment should be to be staked to the ground and have the whole plattoon piss on them.

  2. Must See and Share Video!!! When “World War 3” and the end of the world comes “Politicians and the Elite Rich” people will be living safe underground. The people must locate all underground cities in the U.S funded by tax money. Also locate world wide underground cites. If not you will be above ground sucking up biological war head fumes in a FEMA camp. Don’t be stupid your whole life people!

    1. Ok…I’ll get right on that…should be pretty easy…might take a couple days…I’ll get back to you with the coordinates and then you can make the plan on what to do from there…mmmkay! Greeeeat!

      Yeah…right! Any other brilliant ideas?

  3. I don’t blame the Marines for pissing on these guys that probably were just trying to kill them. I blame the dumb ass that took the video and passed it around. Anybody that’s survived a firefight knows the relief of still being alive, and the dark humor shared by brothers in arms. Gettin’ pissed on ain’t hurtin’ those Taliban. They’re dead. There’s an old saying ” Ya had to be there “. Walk in those Marine’s shoes for a week or two, getting sniped at, watching your buddies die, then see how quick you would be to condemn them. Those Marines know what would happen to them if they were ever captured dead or alive by the Taliban, and it would be a lot worse than being pissed on. Give ’em a break. They’re on our side, for Christ sake.

    1. And Brian, as far as locating those underground cities, I’ll get the old RV gassed and stocked up with food and pick you up tomorrow morning so we can go sub-city huntin’. I sure don’t wanna be stupid my WHOLE life.

        1. Yeah…these places are required to be open to visitors by a clause in the NDAA…I hear they serve a great free lunch just before they escort you into the vaporization chambers.

      1. Great…I’ll pack us some sandwiches….should be able to wrap this up in a day…I’ll need an hour to install the warp drive on the RV…I’ll have the staff do that while we have breakfast on the veranda overlooking the greenhouse and reflecting pools. I emailed Dan Aykroyd and Bill Murray…they’ll be coming in around 8 AM by chopper and joining us for comic relief…don’t forget your tin foil cap!

        Oh boy! This is gonna be a blast!

    2. I understand , I’ve been in that position just a different war. There was no honor in what they did. I would have rather seen them take an ear. They degraded the act of battle. These are misguided soldiers that should have had better leadership and taught what a soldier is and is not. We have higher standards.

  4. I’d rather see them pissing on Mitt Romney and/or Barack Obama aka Barry Soetoro. Who knows? If there is a revolution in this country that may actually happen! 😉

    1. Piss on them by not voting for them. We need to get a real ( peoples president ) in office and prosecute everyone from Clinton up to now. They have all comitted crimes and we should hold them to the fire.

    1. I think these elite, power hungry tyrants would burn the planet before they would let us win. The fema camps are just a good old college try to inforce tyranny if they could win. I think they realize now they are not going to win and have much more evil intentions. It will be biological and nuclear and they’ll hide in their little holes like the rats they are. We’ll be waiting when they come out. You aren’t going to get in no matter how much recon you do. Good Luck and keep your head down.

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