Statement from Director of the Bureau of Land Management Neil Kornze on the Cattle Gather in Nevada


As we have said from the beginning of the gather to remove illegal cattle from federal land consistent with court orders, a safe and peaceful operation is our number one priority. After one week, we have made progress in enforcing two recent court orders to remove the trespass cattle from public lands that belong to all Americans.

Based on information about conditions on the ground, and in consultation with law enforcement, we have made a decision to conclude the cattle gather because of our serious concern about the safety of employees and members of the public.  

We ask that all parties in the area remain peaceful and law-abiding as the Bureau of Land Management and National Park Service work to end the operation in an orderly manner.

Ranching has always been an important part of our nation’s heritage and continues throughout the West on public lands that belong to all Americans. This is a matter of fairness and equity, and we remain disappointed that Cliven Bundy continues to not comply with the same laws that 16,000 public lands ranchers do every year. After 20 years and multiple court orders to remove the trespass cattle, Mr. Bundy owes the American taxpayers in excess of $1 million. The BLM will continue to work to resolve the matter administratively and judicially.

The BLM manages more than 245 million acres of public land, the most of any Federal agency. This land, known as the National System of Public Lands, is primarily located in 12 Western states, including Alaska. The BLM also administers 700 million acres of sub-surface mineral estate throughout the nation. The BLM’s mission is to manage and conserve the public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations under our mandate of multiple-use and sustained yield. In Fiscal Year 2013, the BLM generated $4.7 billion in receipts from public lands.


4 thoughts on “Statement from Director of the Bureau of Land Management Neil Kornze on the Cattle Gather in Nevada

  1. No matter. I still have a very strong dislike for the Fed Gov & their strong arm tactics. This puts the Gov at a disadvantage from the start IMO. Glad they decided to GTFO.

    Tyranny Abounds

  2. just watched a video from Adam the Man “If Sheriff Mack was Cliven Bundy’s Sheriff” excellent. Sheriff Mack’s common sense,honor for the “Constitution” truth and plain speak is phenomenal. Think he would consider a job like President? this site and 2012-what is the real truth fantastic reporting on Mr.Bundy’s situation. Thats where I watched the video. J Haines is a really good lady.

  3. I suspect the BLM is supposedly calling off (I say supposedly because it ain’t happened yet) their cattle rustling and land stealing business in this one instance because boss man Harry Reid told them to. Too much dirt being dug up on the Reid rot, his son Rory Reid rot, his right hand political bribery collector and BLM man Neil Kornze, and his local sellout flunkies – DHS nazi/county sheriff Gillespie and Clark County commissioners.

    Or maybe it’s just a pause for the government criminals to get more military assets in place. We’ll see.

  4. To read the letter, they try to make out that it is in fact Brundy who is the problem and it is they who are decent for trying to collect taxes owed to the people… What a complete load of crap… They change the rules on on that land reasons of greed and it is not why THEY say. The pressure brought on by Reid to secure that land for a Chinese solar power company one of his relatives are involved with is absolutely criminal and disgusting. Pages from websites were taken down from the company intending to use the public land that stated the cattle had to go which was proof the land was seized based on a lie to further the criminals wealth at the expense of the American people… The game now is to expose everyone involved and all their lies or they will be back… God bless us all…

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