Stuck in an elevator

The guys at the barber shop asked me what actress I would like to be stuck in an elevator with.

I told them the one who knows how to fix elevators.

I’m old, tired, and pee a lot.

13 thoughts on “Stuck in an elevator

    1. Les,kicking back with winter weather and broken thumb still,when you get a chance give me some home specifics and might be able to steer you towards best bang for effort with some solar type stuff.Rough general location/sun or lack thereof due to trees,yard/land space ect.Hope you are staying warm in your neck of woods but we need to get you off electric heat to a degree,use the electric to power up the guitar/amp!

      1. Hey James, sorry about the thumb Bro real bummer. Hope it heals fast for ya.
        A little about the house, 2 story Victorian, with a fish-scale tin roof, which has many angles. The front of the house faces mostly SW. It has original cedar clapboard and shingles on the exterior. 33 windows and 3 doors. A bit of trees on the South side. All other sides are clear. As stated the roof has many angles and a solar panel can be installed on either the West,east and north. The windows were replaced a while back and are in good shape. For sure needs more insulation in the walls, the attic was done with cellulose. They had insulated the walls with sawdust back then and through the years it has settled, leaving many voids. I re-did a wall in the kitchen area and installed pink fiberglass. I have to go slow because of budget restraints.
        Trying to stay warm for sure, and there is always a little electricity left for the amp. 🙂

        1. My first thought is any fireplaces,if so can almost gaurentee flue dampers leak,in my mums old home,for ones she didn’t use made a nice painted plywood panel trimmed out to fit with insulation on inside for when not in use,later piped a dragon in there.I am a big fan of passive heating as well,requires no real work/maintenance when done: :// ,add a http to front after tagging,did this way so avoids moderation.I have done the passive collector on a friends large living room,only heats during the day but cut his bill about 10%,just one large framed in slider discard,great bang for buck.Peruse these and the plans,real simple stuff with a few tools.I am glad to hear you got the attic insulated,one of the biggies.Try nad borrow/rent a flir camera and this will show obnoxious leak points to address,on a old victorian lady they will be there,first battle to win!

          1. Yea James, I look over the site a bit,looks really good, more time later. Have it bookmarked.
            I have no fireplaces. And I can borrow a flir camera from where I used to work and plan on doing it, didn’t really have a chance yet, but I’ll do it for sure, you can really see where the heat is escaping.
            Side note: Have you figured out how to post a video? I tried on utube but it will only send a link to the video. 🙁 Bummer. Let me know it you figure it out. 🙂
            Side side note: Paul sorry for hijacking your post.

      1. 64 … 😉 … and you?

        I actually had a 20-something young man in the grocery store check out respond to me yesterday by saying “you’re welcome dear” when I thanked him for packing my groceries. Nice.

        Oooo la wee … gotta go! 😀
        . . .

          1. Why thanks Paul. I wonder sometimes …

            When my daughter and I get together (she’s 42) people think we are sisters. Although the energy level is by no means equal.
            . . .

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