Swanson: Mark Twain Was ‘Demon-Possessed’

Right Wing Watch – by Brian Tashman

Two of our favorite Religious Right broadcasters got together yesterday, and as you probably already guessed, the conversation was quite educational and informative. For example, we learned from Kevin Swanson, the Colorado pastor and host of Generations Radio, that Mark Twain was controlled by Satan.

Swanson explained his theory about the demonic possession of Twain, among others, while appearing on TruNews with host Rick Wiles.  

“Mark Twain was probably the strongest apologist against the Christian faith that America’s ever seen,” said Swanson, claiming that Huckleberry Finn was an “attack on the Christian church” by exposing Christian hypocrisy on issues like slavery. “He mocks Christianity throughout and Huckleberry Finn is an atheist himself.”

Swanson argued that “his book is extremely, powerfully, cynically against the Christian faith” because Twain was possessed by demons.

“Mark Twain himself I believe turned out to be demon-possessed,” he said, citing Twain’s book Letters from the Earth, which he called “one of the most acidic, horrific, evil books I think ever, ever written by any human being in the history of mankind.”

In fact, at different points in the interview Swanson argued that Karl Marx, Friedrich Nietzsche and Jean-Jacques Rousseau were also possessed by demonic forces.

Swanson had some harsh words for Charles Darwin as well, calling him a “sadist” who was also “insane.”

“He suffered from multiple, multiple forms of insanity and he confessed himself to be a sadist who enjoyed torturing small animals to death and dreamed of killing and murdering people,” he charged. “Charles Darwin was an extremely evil man, and I think he was ultimately the root of what happened with Adolf Hitler and eugenics and racist programs.”

– See more at: http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/swanson-mark-twain-was-demon-possessed#sthash.Y16fV11S.dpuf

4 thoughts on “Swanson: Mark Twain Was ‘Demon-Possessed’

  1. IMO, Twain was the best writer America produced.

    Demon possessed? Hardly, he was talented and wasn’t afraid of stating his opinions.

    His beautiful “War Prayer” is a timeless classic.

  2. <Mark Twain dislike jews and that is good enough for me. The jews
    edited one of his books which referenced jews – I don't see how
    this is even legal. Twain’s opinion on the Jews is probably the best-kept secret in American literary history. Immediately after his death, his eccentric daughter Clara married — or was married by — the Jewish piano player, Ossip Galbrilowitsch. Twain’s publishers were given speedy instructions to delete “Concerning the Jews” from the collected works, where it had appeared in the book The Man that Corrupted Hadleybury & Other Stories.

  3. “If statistics are right, the Jews constitute but one percent of the human race. It suggests a nebulous dim puff of stardust lost in the blaze of the
    Milky way. properly, the Jew ought hardly to be heard of, he is heard of , has
    always been heard of. He is as prominent on the planet as any other people, and his commercial importance is extravagantly out of proportion to
    the smallness of his bulk. His contributions to the world’s list of great names
    in literature, science, art, music, finance,medicine, and abstruse learning
    are also way out of proportion to the weakness of his numbers. He has made a marvelous fight in this world, in all the ages, and had done it
    with his hands tied behind him. He could be vain of himself, and be excused for it……”

    —–Mark Twain
    -(“Concerning The Jews,” Harper’s Magazine, 1899)

    I know this comment will not be posted. However, you should read it.

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