8 thoughts on “SYRIA: McCain Guarantees Russia, China and Iran Will Not Act

  1. “I’m Senator John McCain, I’ve been bought and paid for even though I’m a senile old f*#k. I will not respond to your question about me being photographed with heart and liver eating terrorists. Besides, with a little salt and pepper, a sprinkle of basil, dipped in bacon fat, it’s actually quite delicious.”

  2. What the H is wrong with people in Arizona? Why do they keep sending this gibbering idiot liar to the senate every cycle? And, what is with those jaw muscles? All the better to eat human organs?

  3. This moron admits to playing iphone poker during the war meeting, and admits he LOST…HUMMM?? I dont think we can let this ass….hat place our bets…

  4. John McStain, a sorry excuse for a human being, a waste of the air he breathes, is a good example of what happens when you combine dementia and Viagra. He’s got wood, he just can’t remember what to do with it.

  5. And just to top things off, now he thinks pot should be legalized.

    Look for the guys with the butterfly nets to show up at his door soon.

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