Tahrir al-Sham instigates a humanitarian catastrophe in Idlib

Several sources indicated that, terrorists of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) had eliminated dozens of civilians including 17 representatives of the ‘White Helmets’ in the cities of Idlib, Maarrat al-Nu’man and Ariha in order to establish control over the de-escalation zone. It is obvious that Al-Julani is trying to wipe off all his opponents and, what is more, these murders happen with the connivance of the Turkish special services and military formations under their control.  

Terrorists blocked access of UN representatives and members of different humanitarian organizations to most of the de-escalation zone in Idlib. In their reports, United Nations experts have expressed their concern about current developments in Idlib noting severe health care problems.

Due to the refusal of foreign humanitarian organizations to let HTS supervise the financing of medical institutions in the Idlib de-escalation zone the terrorists halted the work of 15 hospitals and 37 medical stations. Jihadists seized 80 ambulances and discharged more than 1,400 medical workers from their duties., Medical services are now provided on a fee basis only at the direction of the illegally formed HTS authorities. At the same time, the majority of local residents, let alone refugees, do not possess sufficient funds. Such a situation is fraught with a sharp deterioration of humanitarian conditions and a spread of diseases and epidemics.

There’s no doubt that as long as the de-escalation zone in Idlib remains under the control of terrorists the humanitarian situation in the region will be disastrous. The international diplomatic community must take certain and decisive steps to stop deaths and suffering of the civilian population in Idlib.

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