2 thoughts on “Ted the Terrible – Malthusian Ted Turner

  1. the lack of thought of those who claim….the belief in the type of dooms day portrayed with this video, is just this…All,(those who claim over population) lack faith in a Creator…who is capable of handling his/hers own creation……..ALL, LacK That Faith! Every single one of them……….Not only that, each of them may not have the mental where for all to sit for a few moments to listen to an explanation of the other side….on the population,question…regarding todays numbers………..shame…that those thinkers, give so little value to the a-priori brilliance that created even themselves………….These types of thinkers lack a biological genetics of the most basic of people living today……….WOW

  2. The world population would comfortably fit in an area the size of Texas.
    Rough calculation:
    Texas = 268,820 square/miles
    268,820sq/m = 172,044,800 acres
    8 houses per acre = 1,376,358,400 houses
    (1 acre = 43,560 square/feet
    8 houses/acre = 5,445 sq/ft per house)
    5 people per house = 6,881,792,000 people

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